Traditionally, black shoes went best with navy and grey trousers. However, dark brown shoes can also be worn with a navy suit and may even make you look more sophisticated. Always remember that lace-up shoes are the best type of shoe for a suit.
Pei Chia-Li
Brown shoes are not dressy enough to wear with such a dressy suit, and the color combination is garish. Brown shoes with a navy blue pinstriped suit is quite the opposite of sophistication. Some Hollywood idiots wear such a combination. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, celebrities love statement looks and eye-catching ensembles. Do you have any photos you can share of yourself consisting of a navy blue suit and black shoes as you suggest so me and Kim can be the judge? -
Pei Chia-Li
I heard that Woody Allen once wore tennis shoes with a tuxedo to be comical. I suggested cordovan dressy shoes with navy suit. I have photos of me in various suits on Facebook. I also wear Japanese samurai formal suit, brown Japanese informal suit and blue summer casual, Chinese emperor's jin loong pao and martial arts clothing. yukata -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "I heard that Woody Allen once wore tennis shoes with a tuxedo to be comical." Yeah, but the questioner is talking about women's fashion. *Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "I have photos of me in various suits on Facebook." I went to the moon the other time and that doesn't mean other people will believe me. Or would they???????????????????????????? We have to see to believe. -
Pei Chia-Li
I do not know how to transfer photos on here. I have moved several times and some things have been lost. I used to transfer photos from my digital camera, but the cords are lost. You just mnetioned celebrities without saying male or female. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm not the questioner who appears to be a female by her username of Kim Siever who is most likely asking about women's fashion. All ideas are welcome. You can use a cell phone or a tablet to take photographs and upload images on Imgur: Then add an URL or a link and post them on Answerbag. -
Pei Chia-Li
I just bought a new cell phone but I cannot get it to work. I have no tablet. I have a digital camera but it is at my cousin's home in another state. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, that's what I thought. More excuses. lol -
Pei Chia-Li
I am only telling the truth. I have a camera function on my laptop computer, but it is difficult to use. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, very funny. If you can change your avatar, then you can show us what you have going with some of your photographs you are sharing on Facebook.
Recent trends have gone towards wearing Dark Brown shoes with a Navy Pin-striped suit. Black can be worn, but the brown tends to look a bit less stark and adds a sense of warmth and familiarity.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, it is only ridiculous to blindly judge BrianKat, especially his hair color and skin complexion to actually see how brown shoes with a navy blue suit looks on him. -
Pei Chia-Li
Navy blue suits and brown shoes do not look good on anyone. With a suit, yo only see his head and neck that are above his shirt. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Navy blue suits and brown shoes look good if you have light skin.
Personally i wouldn't even go as far as wearing the navy pin-striped suit. However if you have managed to pull that off (make it look hot) then congrats to you, but other wise... eww (p.s - this is coming from a 16 year old girl, so dont let what i say affect you too much)
Pei Chia-Li
The navy blue pinstripe suit is a classic. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, that's what the New York Yankees say. lol -
Pei Chia-Li
I never watch baseball. I find it boring. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, I don't either, but I do know they are famous for the pinstripe suits. How else would you know the New York Yankees are a baseball team? *Facepalm* -
Pei Chia-Li
I hear about baseball on the TV news and in newspapers. I played some when I was in elementary school. I have a DVD titles "The Babe" that is about George Herman Ruth, Jr., nicknamed Babe Ruth. He started with the Bostton Red Sox and was sold to the New York Yankees. Ginny cannot figure this out, shakes my head. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Actually, Babe Ruth built his legacy with the New York Yankees. Why do you think the Boston Red Sox were cursed after the team sold him? You get the picture. That's why Babe Ruth made the New York Yankees famous for their World Series championships, including enhancing the pinstripe suits.
Well, you could go with the standby Black shoes .... OR; go to a real hip shoe store and buy yourself a pair of Blue Suede or Blue Alligator Shoes ... to be stylin' 'n Profilin ' ...
trainers. Be the 10 doctor. If you don't get my answer it's because you have never heard of doctor who. A tv series that rocks.
Pumps or penny loafers, butt hole knee with the right hat. Don't forget the hat, and make sure it's red, red and floppy. Your welcome..;+
Pei Chia-Li
Penny loafers are too casual to be worn with a very dressy navy blue suit. Pumps are for the opera with white tie and tails. A red hat is extreme. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, quote: "Pumps are for the opera with white tie and tails." Pumps are also for job interviews, the office, clubs and etc. -
Pei Chia-Li
I mean men's opera pumps. They are worn on the most formal evening occasions. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, I'm not concerned with men's fashion in this subject, unless there is a fashion trend they are styling that catches my attention. -
Pei Chia-Li
You now say you are not concernd with men's fashions, but disprove that assertion quite often.. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, apparently, there are more females that participated in this subject. You can tell by their usernames. I can only go by what I see to further make an assertion.
That is a very dressy suit, so black shoes are best. Brown is too casual and looks bad with blue too.
Pei Chia-Li
Yes brown shoes are too casual. Black is much better than brown. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, that all depends on the outfit and who is wearing them to say which color looks better. -
Pei Chia-Li
No, brown shoes worn with a navy pinstripe suit are nauseating on anyone. Black and navy blue competes and try to match but do not quite make it. I prefer cordovans with my navy blue suits and blazer jackets -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, brown shoes or black shoes should not be worn with a pinstripe suit, now that a pinstripe suit should be put away, donated or disposed of. -
Pei Chia-Li
I have nearly black grey and navy blue suits with white vertical pinstripes, two pale grey suits with orange and black pinstripes, etc. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, I have nothing against the color of suits you have, only with the exception of the outdated pinstripes. lol
whatever color you want to wear
Black or cordovan dress shoes should bed worn with such a very dressy suit.
Pei Chia-Li
I agree somewhat. I prefer cordovans. Black and navy blue have a dizzying effect, since they seem to be trying to match but do not quite succeed. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Old ladies have an appeal for Cordovan dress shoes, far more a pinstripe suit. -
Pei Chia-Li
Jenny evidently does not know anyone with good taste and looks at celebrities with bad taste. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, I look at celebrities with bad taste? Uhh, you're the one who said most celebrities have bad taste.
Black dress shoes are best.
Pei Chia-Li
I think cordovans are best with navy blue pinstripe suits. Black seems to try to match navy blue bit cannot quite make it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, quote: "Black seems to try to match navy blue bit cannot quite make it." The word "seeming" can appear in a particular way, but not the actual case. -
Pei Chia-Li
Jenny needs a dictionary. She constantly insults me with absurd defamatory lies. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Pei, I had my dictionary handy to inform you on the word "seem."
I wouldn't suggest a color, because pinstripe suits are extremely unpleasant and old fashioned. They date back to the 1910's:
Pei Chia-Li
The navy blue or very dark grey pinstripe suit is still the dressiest for businesswear. There have been many fads. I made an illustrated world history of clothing, including swimsuits. Pinstripe suits date to 2020. Women;s clothing has changed much more than men's. In the Victorian era, wome;s dresses and skirts were floor length. In 1914, in France, a radical new dress and shoes exposed women's bare ankles. That was considered indecent exposure in the Edwardian era. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The navy blue or very dark grey pinstripe suit is still the dressiest for businesswear." The pinstripe suit is a blast from the past. i'm young and beautiful so I know what's trending in fashion. -
Pei Chia-Li
I wrote and illustrated a book on world history of clothing, clothing for various occasions and tips on dressing better. Fads are mindless and usually absurd. Youth and beauty do not make anyone an expert on fashion or anything else. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Uhh, the question in this subject said nothing about Religion. You are off topic. Yet again if you don't have anything to show for in this subject, my name is Donald Trump as I've said, and No, I am not perfect when I speak.
To share another answer: there is a theory why the New York Yankees chose pinstripe suits as their team uniform to make Babe Ruth look slimmer:
whatever color you want to wear
Depends on your shirt and tie. Black, dark brown or oxbloods.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Very savvy depending on your shirt and tie.
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