Thats illegal
Hmm! No spine?
Since most parents are very eager for their 22 year kids to have jobs an explanation to WHY your parents feel this way would be helpful.
Moving Violation
Excellent Feb.20.2022
Do you live in their basement?
I agree with Joe. There has to be more to this! Why do you need their permission? Is it some 3rd world cultural thing? What are their reasons?
Moving Violation
Excellent Feb.20.2022
Time to move out, and out of their influence, unless you are dependent on them for a reason you cant help.
Unless they want you to stay in school, get a job.
If you're 22 and still living at home, I don't think your parents are the problem.
Moving Violation
Excellent Feb.20.2022
Tell us the rest of the story please! Feb.20.2022
Hmm, that is strange here in the 21st century. Are you a woman from a culture or society that beleives a woman should be "controlled by her parents, until she's a wife. A slave to her husband for the rest of her life"?
If you are in college, use the time to study. If not, get a job and move out.
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