Freer than many, but still extremely authoritarian.
If it is, I'll take it!
Free to learn the law and learn how it works. Free to move to travel Free to change jobs Free to marry who you want Free to vote ;if you qualify
Don't believe the hype but it's not terrible either.
It is far more free than a lot of other countries.
Yes, but every day losing a bit of it...
Unless you have a product to sell. Unless you want to kill someone. It's amazing how many standards there are dealing with products that you buy.
It is, but freedoms are being slowly stripped away every day...
Not according to the IRS
sure, as long as your a cop, government official or filthy rich.
By name, yes................but......
Nope, China had to pay a lot of money for it.
Well, it USED to be. We can have guns, but no bullets will be available. We can't shoot an attacker in our own house without being strung up for it. I think those examples alone pretty much sums up the impotence I feel is forced upon me. My government couldn't care less about the will of the people. +5
Not yet. Won't be long now.
Many of our original freedoms still exist. Some are eroded. Our government finds it's way into more and more areas of our lives. And we let it! We are trading our freedoms for the fantasy of safety.
Free is comparative rather than absolute. The US is probably the most free country in the world, taken as a whole,in terms of individual rights. +5
It's about as free as all other western democracies. The sad thing is that so many citizens of that country think that they are the only truly free country in the world.
No. It never was. What's so free about it?
Speaking about the present state of the US as well as our rather sordid past - yes, it is a free country. But some people are and have always been freer than others.
As most countries have it we are the leaders in freedom as a people. If you don't think so, try living in other countries and speak your mind about how the government is run or discuss your personal religious views. You will surly run for the borders.
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