Sure does, it's completely stupid and they're just putting really bright lights into your eyes, which is a terrible idea. +%
Some people just LOOK for ways to be a jerk, Stillme.'re not by any chance driving slow in the fast lane, are you? +5
Yes it does bother me as the person who is acting like an idiot could cause a bad accident. The freeways or any roads are not the place to play games.
Yeah it's one of the most annoying things. Especially when the lights bounce of you mirrors and hit you right in the face.
Tail gating is stupid, If I cannot move over then I slow down or touch my brakes to get them off of my tail
Let off the gas. Problem solved.
Like anyone else, yes it does. I'll slow down and/or tap my brakes.
No problem at all.. I just slow down enough that he has to pass me.... then I get em' back.. Done it several time's. :):
I usually just conspicuously flip my mirror upwards and keep driving. I explain people's desire to do this with the idea that they are compensating for small genitals.
Yeh, winds the hell out of me..... I usually just ease up on the accelerator until they pass.
Yes it does, I normally my foot on the gas and then lightly push the brake pedal and hold it there for a while. If that fails I'll put on my hazards and do a rude hand gesture at them. Oh I'm such a lady when I have road rage.
Yes i Does
i hate it, i let off the gas or ride the brakes, if that doesnt work i will stomp the brake. ive done it before, i hate assholes that invade my space...
So they CAN pass me, without me moving? Then yes I hate it. BUT I also hate it when people are going too slow.
Just reading that question made me feel crazy! But I just slow down enough to irritate them so they just pass me :^)
No. We simply move over to the right if we can and let them barrel along to their heart's content. Other drivers' lousy driving doesn't make us crazy at all. It makes us wary and gives us the opportunity to move away from them. It's an early warning system to possible danger ahead. We're grateful for that! Happy Thursday! :) ((hugs))
I hate it! I had someone following too closely back years ago and i would speed up and he would stay right on my ass then I would slow down and he would stay right there. Finally I slammed on the gas and about that time he hit the blue lights and pulled me over. I had plenty to say to him when he came to my window but none of it helped my cause.
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