Yes, and indeed they should. Beer is a delicious, nutritious drink. An unfiltered beer a day starting at age 12 is an excellent source for vitamin B complex. It also promotes immunity and heart health.
Why not?
Yes indeed they can, i have seen a few women that can indeed drink the guys under the table.
I think you mean can girls and women HANDLE beer, because I'm sure most can drink it. Whether or not they can handle it depends on their physical make-up.
Yep. Sure can. I'm 5'5" 120 lbs. Fairly small. And I can drink a lot of guys under the table.
Heck yes, I drink beer quite a bit, when I go out with friends that is my first choice, also it's easier to chug back a beer then some fruity carbonated drink hahaha
oh yes... seen several myself throw em down like a bad habit
They have mouths.
Some can inhale it. +5
Yes, though I personally don't like to see them drinking pints.
yes of course i love drunk girls there funny
Of course they can.
Uhh yes.... why would they be incapable of this? They have mouths....
Yes and we can also smoke and burp.
i am a woman and i dare any person to tell me i can't do anything by god that is to much like a dare and i say screw you and do it or die. +5
Legally: Girls.. No, Woman.. Yes.
Yes, of course we can. Why wouldn't we be able to?
Of course. Many women do not like beer because the hops are too bitter for their taste. But some will drink it at certain times of the year and in certain circumstances. A small percentage drink beer regularly.
No; everyone knows you have to drink it through your penis.
Yes, and some can even crush beer cans with their boobs, lol
Of course they can. When I was a student in the 70s - girls were supposed to sip at silly little expensive drinks, but beer was cheaper so the half-pint of beer was the norm. The trouble was that by the time you got served at the bar and sat down again, the beer was gone - so we, like the guys, bought and drank pints of ale. It is now quite normal for women to drink pints of cider, lager, ale or stout. It's cooling and full of B vitamins - just know your limits - and too much will give anyone a big belly - just be sensible and enjoy your beer. Although the Queen Mother was known to enjoy her gin, there are pictures of her supping a pint of ale when she was in her 90s - I'm sure it's out there on Google somewhere. There is this one too from the 80s
Like fishes.
Yes just like a boy or a man can.
AND not only can they drink beer..........MANY can OUT DRINK those boys and men! ROFL!!! +5 XT!
I know I have sucked down a bottle or two...
Yes, females can do whatever the F-ing please.
Why not We are all CREATED equally, Read your Bible. God Dosn't like drunkeness, But a couple beers isnt gonna hurt a thing. Get a Grip...
I didn,t let her go either !
Only if it's cold.
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