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Yea, I've watched my wife give a few of my friends handjobs. One she gave a blowjob. One she fucked while I was beside them. He didn't last long. It's a very erotic thing to watch.
I've swapted, and 3-sum. watched her with another couple, traded off partners, traded off, form behind her hips to her mouth,DP, it was all fun and it's not just for her, but if you take your time and pay attention to her , you'll get your fun and more. For me I cum, but I don't always orgasm.But in these events yes I orgasm more.
No but I have been the shared wife/girlfriend and I suppose I still am because we regularly see another couple but it is just me with him and my husband with her. But honestly for me those group things have been best when I have known and trusted most of the people but was not heavily emotionally involved with any of them. In a marriage or close relationship you both have to be really wanting your spouse or partner to be enjoying themselves as much as possible for it to work. And even then you still think OK he must find her better looking or sexier or smarter or more responsive than me while my husband might think OK would I rather be with him or is he "making" me come more than I can etc. I pushed my husband into some things that he was not ready for or perhaps did not really want when we first married and I think we are experiencing the consequences of that right now. Though we still love and enjoy one another. But I think it eventually negatively affected our own sexual intimacy.
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