I almost never use it.
Yes. I almost never call anyone, but yes, when I need to. I accidentally called the wrong number twice and was fired for harassment. I'm not good looking.
Very Seldom !! +5
I've only used it once or twice. I usually forget that it's there. =P
Of course, that is what it`s there for!!! ì`m too lazy to look for the book..which I have to say a certain person keeps walking off with (glares at eldest daughter!!)
Hell yeah! Half the time I don't even know the phone number!
I use it all the time especially when I call and the line is busy. Much easier than dialing it again.
Yes, especially if i'm trying to ring my mother, she always leaves the phone downstairs so i have to ring about a thousand times just to get her attention :)+5
Yes I do if they don't answer :D
There is no redial button on my cell phone. There is only a menu choice for recent calls (touch 1st), select from list of recent calls (touch 2nd), then call selected number (touch 3rd).
Yes when someones phone is busy.
i use it to redial telemarketers, drive them crazy ..
No, because our phone is a 'menu' type contraption. And, but the time I have gone thru the menu and figured out where the hell the number was, I have usually lost the will to live and end up manually re-dialling anyway. LOL
Yes, when I'm trying to get through to unemployment...or a radio station.
Only when I have my glasses on or I remember which damn button it is.
I very rarely use the redial button on my phone. +5
Sometimes when I forgot to tell something important (or the reason I dialed the first time) ;)
Yup, on my cell phone, the redial button allows the last telephone number called to be called again with just a touch of a button.
I also use direct dial on my cell phone's widget feature.
Linda Joy
I didn't know my cell phone had a redial feature. I just press "recents" and choose the first one. I'll have to check that out, because sometimes my screen is hard to see in the sunlight. Thanks! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Check your widget features. Using direct dial on a cell phone is like using the redial feature in a landline phone.
Didn't know my cell phone had one until I saw Jenny's answer! Then again I can't even set the time on my dumb watch! I guess its only as smart as the operator!
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