Life is waaaay to short to tolerate bitchy people...:-P..
I been married to the second slot for 16 years. In my eyes, she's really hot.
I'll take the nice one. I've had the former & it's not worth it.
If you have to ask, you deserve the former.
I want and have a woman who is as sweet as honey to me,but gives me a good kick in the ass when I need it. I think shes sexy and thats al lthat matters.
I second that
Give me hot and bitchy.
ummm... the first one... lol xD idk, i think i'd mellow her out after awhile
the hot one and turn up my ignoring skills.........
Nice and mediocre, pl0x. I can't stand stupid, or bitchy people.
Which one's hot in bed?
Ahah I could have sworn hot and bitchy would be more popular. :P
I think guys fantasize about the really hot gf. They just don't want the bitchy side. If that is the only measurement of why you would want to be with someone your relationship will be short. In that case I would go more for the really nice person. Depends on what you are looking for in a relationship.
I've experienced the first option, and it wasn't exactly what I'd call pleasant. I'll take the mediocre nice girl, please.
They all bitch constantly.
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