I love Gardenias. They're fragrance is strong and also very sweet.
Carnations in the morning dew
I like Peonies =)
frangipanis and hedychiums The first picture is FRANGIPANIS and the second in HEDYCHIUMS
a south east asian flower called the champaka. It is a relative of the magnolia, so you can get some idea of the smell....
apple blossoms and plum blossoms
I love the smell of carnations.
Honeysuckles are wonderful, but Jasmine is hard to beat. Sweet Pea is also a great one. I have a soft spot for Wisteria, my mom has a huge one in her yard.
Freesias Roses especially lemon scented Gardenias Jasmine This plant in the garden I call a snail plant, but I don't know what it really is... Violets
I have to go with Lilies and Lilacs. :)
lily of the valley
Hyacinth. My mother brought them home every Easter. The smell reminds me.
Freesias. A small slice of heaven.
Hyacinths are wonderful.
Tuberoses Absolutely wonderful - and they fill up the whole house with their scent! They are commonly used in hawaiian leis.
It's hard to beat the smell of the sweet olive tree. I also like banana shrub, southern magnolia, and a spicy rose like Sexy Rexy. Lilies are also very nice. Right now it's sweet olive, and jasmine. I love it. Wisteria is good in the late spring and ligustrums in early summer(although I'm terribly allergic). But magnolias in the summer are divine, and so are elderberry trees. You know there are no good flowers in the fall here, I just realized. In winter, we have camelias; but, their scent is not very strong.
Of course the flower of romance, the ROSE
For me, gardenias and night blooming jasmine are beautiful. I also like white lily and roses too. +
Family: Magnoliaceae Genus: Michelia (my-KEE-lee-uh)This is a shrub related to the Magnolia. Its blooms smell similar to a banana.
Petunias. Spicy, warm scent. I love them.
Lily of the Valley and gardenias
gardenias and roses
Lilacs smell the best. Gary Dominicus
Gardenias and Daphne
I would have to say a rose. One in particular is Triple Delight
Roses. Tulips are the best *selling* flowers. (That'll teach me to answer a question when half asleep...)
gardenia or lilacs and mock orange blossoms!
I love the smell of lilacs
Lilac, then Roses-- in my opinion.
Gardenias, magnolias, lemon and clove scented roses, and lilacs.
Rose and magnolias
Sweet Peas
Tonight, I have to declare my moonflower to be the sweetest bloom in memory... but I do love a tea olive blossom as well.
Plumeria/frangipani, it can smell like many different things.
Jasmine, gardeniaa, camilias, Magnolias, roses, lilac, carnations and star-gazer lillies :)
I'm with Jenniferocious, the most heavenly scent, in my opinion, is tuberose. I also love the scent of the stargazer lily and star jasmine.
Lilacs are so fragrant.
Yellow pansies and Meadow rue..nice clean smells to them.
Lilacs. Too bad they last only a very short time.
Oh my goodness...just one favorite? That's a hard question LOL! OK if I must choose just one, than I would say Nicotiana alata...the common white night flowering ones!
Plumaria and ginger growing side by side
I love Stock. smells up the whole house...
I don't know how to spell it, but it's a Hawaiian flower that they make leis out of. Pikaki, a small white flower, very sweet smelling.
I have two favorites....Lilac and Honeysuckle.
None I can't smell flowers which is a good thing due to my asthma..
Peony, followed by Oriental lilies
Cactus flowers. :-)
But Lilac smells great,too!
I love the smell of a lot of flowers, but my favorite would be roses.
The flower of the Jasmine shrub. We have one in bloom now.
Honeysuckle and Lilac
Gardenia... the smell is so strong when you step off of the plane in Hawaii....
Got me there..I can't say one as I like the smell of many flowers that include, Jasmine, Oriental Lillies, Lavender, Roses, Amaryllis, too many I like them
Freesias and Lady of the Night
..I agree with Pleasureman69...jasmine is amazing.. I have had climbing jasmine right outside my front door so the first thing I smell as I enter and exit my home is that sweet,sweet smell...the smell of jasmine and musk are an enticing seduction...
Jasmine and roses
Lady Slippers
Lillys, and lilacs, of course. I just put a bunch of fresh cut lilacs in s vase. No perfume could be better.
Hmmn Jasmine, Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow or Mock Orange (This is intoxicating). Oh gee - the jasmine if I have to pick one.
franjpani. I like wearing them in my hair in spring :)
Lilacs and Hyacinths.
Freesias and roses
I'd have to go with Lilacs ....
Frangipani definately. Otherwise older types of roses, the new ones don't have any smell at all!
The one nearest my nose... unless it's one of these. (one of the carrion flowers)
I would have to say the rose. Of all flowers it smells the best.
Those beautiful old-fashioned roses, before they were genetically mucked up and smell disappeared.
Nightscented stock
Ardenias are beautiful bit oriental lilies are my favourite. Angelface roses smell amazing too
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