No Nunya, Cotton does not wear any kind of jewelry! +5
Actually yes I keep my watch and some other things in there
I have a small wooden one, but I don't have much in it.
No. I keep what little jewelry I have in a dresser drawer.
I don't wear any kind of jewelry, but the wife does and she uses a jewelry box.
Nah. I don't wear jewelry.
Personally, I don't but my wife has two of them for her junk jewelry and I keep the real stuff in a safe that I have. I permit her to wear it when she sees her family to let them know she is well taken care of.
To hold dreamcatcher stones, etc. My actual necklaces, rings, etc, are stored on hooks on the inside of the door to my closet. Prevents tangles.
Sorta. I made a clear box with a blue top and bottom when I was in 5th or 6th grade shop class as a jewelry box for my mom. She had so much jewelry, she could never use it, so she gave it back to me. I keep my rings and watch in it. ;-)
ohh lets make that plural! yes i use jewelry boxes i love box for earrings,one for necklaces,another for bracelets&watches,another for rings. Gotta keep it organized if not i get mad if i dont find what im looking for.
I do! :)
I have 3
I doo. But I hang my necklaces on my wall.
I have a carved Chinese box to keep personal items in. Meghan has a huge chest of drawers for a "jewelry box". +5 Nunya
Sometimes I do but most of the time i'm lazy and just put stuff anywhere
+5 yes
YES! It's a Hello Kitty jewlery box. It's super old, but I love it : )
Yes, I have one of those floor standing ones.
Yes, for my nice jewellery. The rest is hanging on a jewellery tree.
I have a manly box for my watches. ...did I mention that it was manly?? pleeeeeeease believe meeee :) +5
I use a jewelry box as a place to hide my jewelry. I never liked wearing that stuff.
Yeah I have a few of them
no...I am not a sissy. +5
yes! it keeps things properly and you could actually preserve your earrings when kept. For the dangling fancy earrings, I sometimes try to hang them up and arrange them accordingly! :-)
I do not use a jewelry box....but my wife does.
Yes. I usually use jewelry box or jewelry pouch to keep jewelries if i don't use them temporarily. A jewelry box or pouch could protect the jewelry very well. It could protect my jewelries from moisture and shock. And also makes me organize the stuffs well. If you need more details about jewelry box or pouch, please view the website:
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