I'll brew a cup two or three times a week.
i've been tapering off of soda over the last year; but i still need a sugar fix, i'll have at least one large glass of lipton (mix powder) iced tea per day... arizona green tea w/ ginseng & honey about once a week. 5up!
I drink iced tea several times a day.
I drink iced tea almost every day to wake up.
Never ever. Strictly black coffee. Points monster stalking me
I stick on the kettle at least 3 times a day.
My favorite drink is iced tea. I drink it all the time at restaraunts. At home I usually just have a glass of water, but tea sometimes.
I drink sweet tea from chick fil a, yum yum!!! maybe a few times a week lol
Tea is about the thing I do drink so I drink it non stop during the day.
Thrice daily.
I drink iced tea almost every day most of the day. I never drink hot tea.
1-2 times a day
I drink more tea in the summer time when it's warm. I drink mainly coffee or cocoa in cooler weather. But I do drink something called Lo han Kuo in the winter, especially for sore throats, and it's a type of Chinese tea, very sweet naturally.
Iced tea; drink it most every day.
I drink about 3-5 cups of tea a day... I love me some tea. Honey-lemon-ginsing Green tea Fasting tea with licorice in it and dandylion. Chamomile.... Plain green tea. white tea. Earl grey Black tea Constant comment/Orange spice ....MmMmM... Im a tea enthusiest If you like TEA... Check out the different kinds of YOGI tea.
2 or three times and about 6 cups of coffee. You have to keep your caffeine level up.
like everyday. I love tea!
Once a day at least
I've been on a new kick where I drink decaf hot green tea daily.
Daily I am addicted.
I usually replace my daily coffees with tea during the winter months. I don't drink iced tea because of the sugar content.
Most days. I like a cup of tea first thing in the morning, and the rest of the day I drink coffee.
Up to 8 cups per day, but less if I have coffee too.
iced tea, summer, once a week, no sugar. warm tea, winter, daily, honey.
Not as often as I tea is great for allergies!
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