The Easter Bunny
God exists.
I have to say the myth of Jesus. I say that because more people have been involved in the belief of that myth than any other in the history of mankind.
the official story on 9/11.
You can't get pregnant if we do it standing up.
Santa Claus
anything between the front and back cover of the bible.
that witch's are bad , and work for the devil etc.. that a male witch is called a warlock, and that the pagan holidays like xmas , easter , halloween etc... that you celebrate are "christian" holidays . and jesus , and the devil. and that getting the flu shot actually helps .------ and that christianity is "nice " look here
That human beings are innately skewed toward one side of the spectrum or another (i.e. good or evil).
Education makes man good.
I think the stories of all of the Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology... I am really interested in them... Kindly answer my question about constellation of stars..I would really appreciate it ..thank you
That there is life after death.
WithOUT due consideration: Prometheus gives fire to humans.
"Biden won the election."
The check is in the mail.
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