chicken and pork
Beef. +5
I love chicken! There also are a lot of good recipes that I like to try adding chicken to them.
Beef is usually the most, but recently it has been pork because I purchased a half of a hog from the father in law last month. The s/o is starting to get tired of pork, so I guess it will be going back to beef soon...
Over a year's time, probably chicken the most.
Chicken, because you can make it taste the least like dead animal muscle...
Pork and Chicken
chicken beef pork lamb. we have each once a week.
I find it funny that I eat mostly Chicken even though I am a beef farmer =]
Pork, beef, turkey in that order. Pork is the cheapest right now so beef comes in 2nd. Although, I'd rather eat beef.
Beef which is probably why I look like a cow. But come to think of it.... I don't know that I'd rather look like a chicken or a pig.... lol!
This is a much more sensible answer: I like chicken best and beef second-best (third-best = turkey). Hope that helps!
Beef and chicken. Pork and fish only once a week. When we visit my dad-in-law, lamb/mutton mostly. I prefer pork and chicken but hubby and kids just luv beef.
chicken or beef. +5
Roadkill is about all I can afford, it seems. A trip to the meat department is usually depressing.
Beef, chicken, pork then lamb and turkey once in awhile.
... cheap canned tuna ... with chicken as a close second ...
-'s our favorite. Porkloin, porkchops, carnitas, bacon, sausage! :) Bad Rosie! :(
Beef and pork would be a close call.
Chicken. Notice the different ways to fix it here.*:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7ADBS_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=sRS5Srf1KIqJtgfk6sn-Dg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1
Gobble gobble :-).
Chicken, but I'd rather it be pork.
UUUMMM Turkey ;) It's Free !!!! LMAO!!
Probably fish, followed by chicken. I hate pork, and I've been gradually phasing beef out of my diet. Most of my lasagnas and spaghetti sauces are vegetarian now. After chicken, it's probably kangaroo, and then beef.
Turkey and chicken +4pts. =)
the first three
Clok, clok, chicken.....
I'm going to say beef, but chicken isn't far behind.
Baaawk Baaawk
I fix and eat chicken more than any other meat. My family and myself just seem to like it better and I make one mean baked chicken!
My husbands
Chicken tops the list of the meat that I most frequently eat, followed by pork
Definitely chicken
In order of consumption: chicken, pork, beef and turkey
Turkey and Chicken only occasionally.
Chicken and beef.
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