we either get no rain or Super dump buckts on you rain.
thunderstorms tornadoes hurricanes if they push inland 200 miles
Rain & thunderstorms. Wind doesn't bother us much since all houses are built of limestone or concrete, so they rarely go beyond uprooting trees.
Shit storms..hahahah I live close to DC Other than that, well there's a saying that goes, if you don't like the weather in Maryland, wait 5 minutes. ...we get all kinds of storms.
The Notre Dame traffic every home game!
Gentle rainstorms, but only in the winter months. ;-)
Firestorm (Southern California)
We get Mud storms!! haha last night we had a huge one. We get big dust storms and then it rains for about 10 minutes. and it rains mud!!
Hail, so many vehicles here have dents all over them, Central TX.
Rain. High winds. And thunderstorms, not often though. +5
Light to Medium Rain - Northwest Washington
Army Veteran
Does it ever NOT rain in Washington???
Thunderstorms and blizzard's.
Just rain and windstorms mostly, but we do have our tornado season in Spring.
a severe thunderstorm/ hail every 5 yeaRS
tropical wind and rain storms from the south west. the boats get sent ashore, the palm trees get knocked down, the streets flood with water, it makes it darn hard to get to work.
Thunderstorms. That's the south for you.
+5 thunder
Rain & thunderstorms.
I live in somewhat of a unique area. While we do get rain almost as often as everyone else, when it comes to notable storms, they always seem to bypass us. Sometimes they'll bypass, sometimes they split and go around us on either side and then reconverge once they get past us, and sometimes they disappear before they get to us only to reform after they pass. It's the darndest thing you ever saw.
Mostly hurricanes and tornadoes. But we did have one snow storm back in '93 that was dubbed "The storm of the century". We don't get much snow down here.
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