The Boulder Station Hotel/Casino. +5
I went for an interview and there were lots of people applying for a job and the best one got it and i came home answering some of questions on AB.
LOL, I actually just avoided a place today b/c it had a lot of people! It was the homecoming parade today and I really hate a large congestion of people all in one place.
Drove thru the mall area which is two miles from my house, LOTS of people. Which had detoured around it! +5
Metro Station+
Fashion Week at Bryant Park
shopping center
work. i work in a casino. there are a million of drunk idiots and old morons that shouldnt be there
The fall festival in the town where I live...thousands came into town that weekend.
I walked out my door in NYC...
An outdoor concert.
Out my front door.
My workplace is filled with visitors.
Supermarket, Easter is nearly as bad as Christmas
My place of work which is my local Tesco shop.
A chinese buffett restaurant.
At a pub.
Costco in Carson City NV. It was really crowded! 8/1/23
Whataburger #85, The very best one anywhere!
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