Robert and Kim.
Nikki Sixx and Vanity
only one main character okonkwo
No main characters. It was a Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul Book. Just a bunch of short stories. I love the Chicken Soup Books :)
Harry Dresden and a skull named Bob.
Devlin,Sexy Aussie bushman. Lady Daniela. Vampire.
Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton
Mr. & Mrs. de Winter
Shadow Of The Mind
Do you mean the book that was made into a movie called Rebecca directed by Alfred Hitchcock?
winnie the pooh and tigger too
Dolores Haze & Humbert.
In the last book I finished, they were Jean Valjean and either Cosette or Marius!!!!!!! :)
Remo and Chiun.
Shannon McFarland & Brandy Alexander
The main character is just called 'the boy'. The other most important character is the 'alchemist'. Name of the book 'The Alchemist'.
Right now I'm reading Wizard of Seattle. The main characters are Richard and Serena. Its actually a pretty good book. I'm going to have to check out more books by this author (Kay Hooper).
Richard Rahl and Khalin
Husband and wife attorneys, The Appeal
Henry & Claire
Ingrid and the man who arranged her death.
Claudius and Ayala....two Roman senator's
Agnes...and I forget the guys name . From pillars of the Earth
Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnel from the sword of truth series.
Max and Jamie. A Janet Evanovitch book, written with Charlotte Hughes.
Marius and Armand, 'Blood and Gold' by Anne Rice
Tarzan and Jane Porter.
King Henry VIII and all his wives!!
A cop and a killer.
Mr. Grinch and Cindy Lou Who.
Yahweh (God) and Yashua (Jesus)
I have reserved a book going to my local library called Gone Girl. Amy and Nicholas Dunne are the 2 main characters. There was a movie made based on the book which starred Ben Affleck. It’s been many years since I last read a book and I’m going to read books again
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