• a funerary worker drains it out and disposes of it in most cases
  • It clots (dries) up within our bodies, and decomposes along with the rest of our bodies wen we are buried.
  • It gradually thickens and dries up, I think, though I am willing to be corrected.
  • First, the blood separates into the solids and the fluids. If you were to puncture someone who had been dead what would come out would be watery (thus the reason the soldiers punctured the side of those crucified to test if they were dead yet -- if you got "water" instead of blood the person had died). Eventually, as the body decompses (assuming no mortuary's involved) the fluids would evaporate.
  • What happens to the our bodys in the grave
  • What happen to our bodies when we are in the grave
  • What happen to our bodies when we are in the grave
  • Well, remember that our bodies are mostly water. So when someone dies, all of the individual cells die in them as well. (You know how a little after someone dies they lose control of their bowels and stuff. Well imagine all of their cells dying and losing control of their fluids too. - sorry I had to go for a gross factor somewhere) After a while, the water leaves all of those individual cells and, when the skin cells can no longer hold everything in, the water and fluids exit the body either evaporate or return to the earth. So yes, whenever you drink water or swim in a lake/ocean, there's a good chance you're interacting with water that has drained out of one of our trillions of ancestors. It's kind of cool, really.
  • It takes a long vacation.

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