one piece. it depends how much self confidence you have!
im a guy and i wear a 2 piece so my man boobies dont get sunburned lol
Trunks with a tankini top. Cute avatar.
I like the word "tankini".
Swimsuit with a wrap
For me, it really depends on the figure wearing them. Swimsuits tend to be more flattering on most women.
I'd look funny in a bikini. I think I'll stick with trunks. :)
At this point in my life a full coverage swimsuit is for me. A bikini would make me look like a whale. lol
Bikini, the less material involved, the better. (OK my wife pointed out a disclaimer that this answer needs, being if the body to be thus clad, should be so clad) (Please note that this question has been changed since I answered, originally it was 'Bikini or One-Piece')
Why not just go to a nudist resort and not wear anything? My step daughter didn't know how great it felt, as she wore skimpy bikinis, until she tried swimming nude. She now prefers being nude at a resort,
A moo-moo and a big straw hat. I don't want to cause random blindness.
I asked this on March 16th.
Bikini Is great, One piece is great to, It depends on the woman, her body, and what she looks best in. I like both.
I like both. I was lying on a sunbed at my optimum weight, feeling good and enjoying my holiday. A woman came up to me and started chatting. The crux of her conversation was that she admired me. I asked why and she said because I didn't mind exposing my faults in public. PUshed to explain herself she said she wished she could show her stretch marks. I think she was trying to show solidarity. I ended up getting changed.
Bikini. You can walk around with the top off if you so desire. ;)
I think both look good on a woman with a nice, well-proportioned figure. ;-)
Women who get stretch marks from childbirth loathe bikinis, but look great in a one-piece. Personally, I don't mind the stretch marks - they're like battle scars and deserve bragging rights. "I fought this little guy for five hours to get him OUT".
Good for you! The same is true for women whom have had mastectomies. Women should never be ashamed of those battles won in their lives. I have a friend who has had a double mastectomy who is a nudist. she has no problem being nude at a resort. When she had her second breast removed the doctors asked her if she needed professional help to cope with losing both breasts. She asked the doctor why should she go, These are battle scars of battles won. She also told him she was a nudist and had no problems with being nude even after losing both breasts. Stretch marks are the same... Battles won bringing in new life!
For the time being, I am still able to wear a bikini without putting people off their ice-creams.
one-piece bathing suit.
bikini! eventhough it's usually at a pool than the beach
One piece. I have enough trouble with Greenpeace trying to roll me back in the water as it is. LOL
I would like to go nude if I had my way. Who wants to wear a wet bathing suit.
A tankini. Attractive, yet modest and practical (I can boogie board without worrying about losing top or bottom in a monster wave).
One piece
I wear a one-piece, but usually cover in a t-shirt and shorts because I've had VERY nasty sunburns in the past. (I'm a redhead with fair skin, so I guess I have it coming.)
Last year, I finally got the nerve to wear a bikini. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be....
I swim in normal, everyday clothing. I wouldn't prance around the streets more than half naked when I'm dry... why do so when I'm wet?
bikini' so sexy' unless its on a lardass,
Depends on who is wearing it, but I'd have to say bikini.
I prefer a bikini, it suits more my body shape and I can get a nice tan as well :) I hate vulgar or skimpy ones though, would never wear one.
Two-piece, usually bikini. My top is bigger than my bottom.
I am a one piece person.
I wear shorts and a t-shirt... I don't swim so i don't need a swinsuit. I don't want a tan so i don't need to lay about in a bikini.
usually Bikini . have a quick peek first . take a one piece with me . change on the beach
Usually one-piece. I am a very enthusiastic swimmer and most of my swimming stuff is designed for exercise in pools rather than for sunning myself on the beach.
This woman should be outlawed from wearing a bikini.
bikini definitely cant tan very well with a one piece on
I've got different ones, but prefer bikini. This year my first one will be one-piece, because I got a gorgeous Ed Hardy swimsuit.
Quiet beach ~ g string <no top> Busy beach ~ bikinis <top and bottom> ~ Note: If i keep eating ice cream, i'll be wearing over alls next summer :)
one piece +5
I usually wear bikinis.
i rarely go to the beach
Bikini for me!
i dont go to the beach nnuch
Depends who I
i rarely go to the beach
It is so sad most women feel so badly about their bodies. They seem to think their body looks so bad and they do not want anyone to see their lumps and bumps, their stretch marks etc. This is caused by clothing including swim wear to cover up everything. This is why people should attend nudist resorts (rather than nude beaches) where those there are more interested in the person not their bodies. I have seen women at resorts that could hide behind a toothpick to those weighing over 300 pounds. Yes, having a nice body is great, but very few have that "perfect" body. Same for men as well. Do a little reading and learn the rules then find a resort in your area and take the step. You will never want to wear a cold wet suit again. It takes about 15 minutes to get over that initial embarrassment, I have seen it happen many times. Check out AANRcom and in Canada FCNcn
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