Why does anyone wear make-up?
Some men do! But, I would think it is because men are not socially conditioned to do so (ie it is seen as a woman's thing, & it is not socially accpetable when a man does it).
Drag Queens do !
Men aren't as easily influenced when it comes to beauty as women are. I guess I am more like a man because I wear zero make-up.
Men are attracted by looks. Women enhance their appearance to attract men. Women are not as attracted by looks. They want someone who can provide for them so men try to look better by having a better job or car or some other item that shows that they can provide.
um because it would be kinda creepy if a guy walked down the street with blue eyeshadow and red lipstick!
Who said they don't? Some do and these days many of them moisturize and cream their lips and face also.
I use a little bit, sometimes. I have a condition called "dermatitis seborrheic" that from time to time turns the area under and around my nose red, like if I had a cold and had been blowing my nose for a long time. My dermatologist recommended Dermablend products. One of their products is a foundation that covers very well all the red and ugly parts. That's the make-up that I sometimes use. Take a look:
Michael Jackson and Little Richie does.
because men are perfect without it.
Because then it would give our wives something else to yell at us about. Honey---You've been using my base again!
Some do- but I have to say that I prefer a man comfortable enough in his own skin to embrace his masculine features and not attempt to "accentuate" them.
about the outside looking , men like to judge women ,and women like to judge theirselves.... and if men wear make-up ,they would be called "so girlly"....
they do
Skip_2_my_lou scared me with the M word... so i now cant anwser
in some cultures they do much more than in Anglo-Saxon ones. It depends on the society's idea of masculinity and handsomeness. If the society thinks of ruggedness etc (Anglo-Saxons have generally stuck with that one down the's the warrior thing) as the ideal, makeup will not be used. But if refined is the ideal, then it may. Even English culture has had its moments when less rugged men were the ideal eg Elizabethan era, and men wore earrings and makeup then.
well some men do wear makeuplike rock stars that are so in touch with their manlyness that they are not afraid to wear makeup or just plain crazy and men actors wear makeup so their face does not look pale on tv my opinion is that guys can wear makeup if they want but i dont request it because im a guy
Maybe it's because they think they are flawless!!
I don't know, but they should! We all know ladies are prettier by nature, so really, it should be guys grooming themselves like mad to match us women.
Because it would look really bad.
Just because they don't need it they are beautiful enough.
Well, some men do and I guess the others feel it would put their masculinity in question.
Well if youve ever seen this new wave of music which believe the band My chemical retards are leading...there are ALOT of men wearing makeup and apparently teenage girls these days think its sexy...i really dont see how a man who wears tighter clothes and more makeup then you is sexy...but to each his own...
I think that makeup was actually invented for men, like the kings and stuff. I don't know thought because men in eyeliner is so sexy, don't ask me why but it's hot?
Because society/the media doesn't think that men should.
Because they are already made up.
Because men are not judged by looks/ They don't need to.
Because we're already so damn sexy anyways XP lol...
Some do, but we don't realize it. Some don't. Some women don't, either, preferring the natural look. Men like the natural look, mostly, it seems, so they don't wear make-up.
It may "clash" with our perfume.!
The man I work with do! They wear more than I do! NOt better just more!LOL!!
Because they'd get beaten up all the time.
don't they?? ask all the tv anchors,actors
The current fashion dictates that men don't wear makeup. In the past men have worn makeup as much as women have. Egyptians of both sexes used makeup. In England in the late(ish) 1700's men and women used makeup and powdered their hair. I imagine that men will use cosmetics again when fashion dictates that they do. I don't think is unmanly for them to wear makeup, it is not creepy but, it is something we, as in mainstream western culture, are not used to.
I wouldnt feel manly in makeup and its just too expensive.
Because we are not insecure about our looks...well, SOME of us aren't.
Because we are not insecure about our looks...well, SOME of us aren't.
Because we are not insecure about our looks...well, SOME of us aren't.
I knew a guy who wore make-up (Yes, he was straight) He used it to cover up blemishes.
Why do women wear makeup?
I do a bit when I go out, but you wouldn't notice it. It fixes imperfections.
you can wear make up if you want. I like guys who can pull of wearing black eyeliner. Depends what style you into.
Have you SEEN Ray Liotta?
Make you late for the pub .
I enjoy raw natural good looks.
I've tought my husband & son to wear it but not in full face quanities. My 16 gets break outs sometimes because of shaving so I tought him how to use cover stick for that & zits. Same with my husband if he has to go somewhere important & don't want to be embarrassed by a zit on his forehead or nose. My son looks like he wears mascara but he's just gifted with triple thick eye lashes he gets asked alot what kind of mascara does he use,lol. But lipstick or eye shadow on men don't look to bad to me(80's lady) unless they wear a wig & a dress, then I get a lil weirded out. But it don't bother me just kinda stuns me at first when I see it.
Why should we start?
I do. It's great! I have far more chances with women since I began to use it.
Because our eyes are perfect the way they are!! (bat bat bat, wink).
Umm uuuh....
Some men do wear makeup, like cover up on zits or discolored areas on their face. They don't want you to know it, but they do.
Look closer...they do.
Men where make-up, wayne Newton wheres a ton I seen him in albertson in from of me with out his make up on and hairspray and he looked diffrent, he was 3 feet in front of me and he looked at me and I told my friend Isnt that wayne newton he sead yes he ran his credit card and got some meat and cheese.Goth men where make up actors all have to where make up or it flushes your skin out the News guys all where make up. You just cant really tell the diffrence.
because they are not gay
they will look like a monster
Its like painting your face.
Maybe it's because we never learned how to apply it without looking like a clown afterwards. I grew up with 2 brothers, neither of them wore makeup, so they couldn't teach me. My mother wasn't about to teach me. I'm getting better with practice, help from my wife, and I'm registered with Cover Girl, Maybelline, L'Oreal, etc. I'm confidant that I will get to the point that I will be able to apply my makeup so skillfully that when I'm out, people won't see me as a guy wearing makeup but rather will be awed by the skill in which I appield it!
It is socially not acceptable and it is just wrong, we will look like the circus is in town, everybody will laugh at us, it is just wrong wrong wrong, get rid of that idea!!!
The men I work with do! Some of them wear more makeup that I do....or ever would!!!
because its not socially acceptable for the majority of men to wear make up
Some men do, but I find make up to be a feminine thing!!!!!!!!! Men look their best WITHOUT MAKE UP!
I totally agree, Bride2B. :)
Some men do, but I find make up to be a feminine thing!!!!!!!!! Men look their best WITHOUT MAKE UP!
HISTORICALLY, woman's job was to look good for her husband so he would be inclined to get her pregnant. The greatest honor a wife could bestow upon a man was a baby boy. PRESENTLY, woman't job is to look good for her husband so he would be inclined to get he.... just kiddin. I think it's an old tradition passed down through antiquity, blah blah blah.... WOMEN JUST WANT TO BE THE PURDIEST AND MEN JUST WANT TO BE THE STRONGEST. That's just how we were made.
Personally: I think that those dude's who wear mascara are like Emo You see them wear those mohawks and wear make up... and they're alll like, "Why is everyone looking at me wierd?! How come no one likes me? I'm gonna cut myself because I'm sad." Then they get this phase... "Why is everyone still looking at me? I'm gonna kill everyone cause of that!!!!"
There are guys that wear makeup. Have you not met them? Maybe I should introduce you to my ex. (He started wearing it sometimes after we stopped dating, though).
Here's the honest answer and it's true (look it up). After a woman has an orgasm, her eyes get darker, her lips git fuller and darker and her cheeks blush. Men like that look. Makeup was designed to mimic that look on a woman's face to get men to notice them more. That's the truth. So the answer is, men don't wear makeup because there isn't any makeup designed to make a man look sleepy.
thats easy we think we're pretty just the way we are. now im not putting down women who wear makeup but i think the color of womens face with all the imperctions are even more beautiful than eyeshadow and consealer and base and all the other odds and ends you ladies put on your faces
we don't have the money.
Why don't men have vaginas and breasts? That's why they don't wear make up. Unless they're gay of course.
because they dont feel the need to half to decorate there faces in the morning, like women do
these days alot of menw ear make up weather its obvious or not , im not takin about your drag queens but liek yoru eveyrday guy , the majority of guys i know wear at least a conceler or foundation , jsut dont wear it so thick its obv , jsut to hide the faults in there skin etc , i wear foundation but i read earlyer int his that it isnt in fashinof ro men tow ea rmake up , depending on what fashion it is such as alternativ fashion and indie fashion. mind you the only thing i hate it buying it get such horrible looks from some people.
because they're men.
Actually,I'm pretty sure male actors in movies do. Though maybe men should be wearing makeup more often than women because men usually need it more!
They do
They look cute as they are.
We're low maintenance and always in a hurry when we get ready to go out.
some people are ignorant towards men and makeup. Do people realize that some men HAVE to wear it? It might be to cover birthmarks, rosacea, large defects ect? I don't think anyone has the right to mock a guy wearing makeup, as they have no idea as to the reasons he might be.
Ever heard of Kiss or Poison...?
LOL!! This guys does and looks amaizing doing so :D
Some men do but others probably think that it is a woman thing or they don't care enough to use it
Does nail hardener(clear nail-polish)count?
I've been known to wear eye liner, and occasionally when I go out with my best friend (who happens to be a female makeup artist), she'll put some other stuff on my face and eyes. To be honest I don't really even know what it is but she seems to think it works for me.
It doesn't suit them.
That's because men look better without make up.
would make them look yucky and not like a man
Men whp are drag queens wear make up. Remember "Rupaul's Drag Race?
A man can wear vampire make up for Halloween but to wear womens make up that’s a different thing because some men want to look like a woman but that’s whatever they are into. As a man personally I would not wear womens make up because I don’t want to look like a woman. I’d rather be natural by being manly.
Some do. I had a guy working for me at a Subway sandwich shop and he came in to get his check and he was wearing makeup.
I've noticed that there are men who wear makeup. For this matter, higher end brands stock concealers and similar products branded for men.
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