I wouldn't entertain the thought,because it isn't true.*+++++*
I would start hunting!
open up my own garlic farm
I would start hanging garlic by my window, and begin wearing a cross around my neck. Plus, I would keep a sharp stake under my bed, and finally, I would have silver bullets made for my AR 15
Hey, I eat enough garlic probably wouldn't have to worry.
Get a drawstring bag. Put an ash stake, a mallet, a silver cross and a mirror in it. Then sleep with one eye open.
I would look for Bella and Edward and ask for their autograph on my books.
Buy stock in Garlic producing companies........
Feed them some serial murderers and pedophiles.
Get Bill Clinton to bend over & "Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it SHINE!!!"
I guess it would depend on what type of fictional vampire we were talking about here. Depending on what kind of vampire and what kinds of weaknesses or strengths they had I might be tempted to convert and become one myself...I probably wouldn't want to be a bald rat-toothed Nosferatu or some blood lusting beast like the disappointing (so unlike the brilliant novel)vampires from I Am Legend...but if I had to choose to stay human or turn vampire I would go with vampire unless they are Twilight Vampires...then I guess I would be a vampire hunter.
Wonder just how the hell people found me out...
Mehh I'd much prefer for zombies to be real. That would be fun. Vampires are depicted to be just as smart if not smarter than humans. Zombies are just stupid little ugly dead things. I'm waiting for the day when I can sit on my rooftop with a shot gun and blow someone's head off.
Eat more garlic.
Stocking up on Garlic, and a new wide necklace.
Install a bunch of outdoor surveillance cameras. +5
i would set out to become one.
Stab it with in the heart with a wooden stake or shoot it with a crossbow, or both, and not in that order. :D
Buy more garlic than usual, and wear a cross.
they are
Buy more ammo.
Likely join 'em! Sounds like a nice change in lifestyle, friends, concerns, etc. ;-)
Which fictional type of Vampires? The gay Twilight vamps? Hunt them. The modern horror movie vampires? Hunt them. The older literary vampires? I'd join them. The legends Dracula were based on? Sh!t myself, curl up into a ball and hope they don't notice me. Or Asian vampires, who I'd sit down with, have a cup of tea, and discuss history and the future of humanity.
Buy a shotgun and declare open season.
Cover up my neck and eat lots of garlic.
Thanks Josie i will wait for your order and garlic growns in the grown, i walk pass you yesterday,and no reaction ,so no smell.he ehe
Not care.Just another weirdo to me;)
Open a fashion outlet specialising in clothes made of garlic
If they bother me, I'll go Jack Crow on them. 🏹
Announce this publicly and insist that government eradicate the threat to living humanity.
Hang some garlic around my neck.
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