No I don't think so at all +4
Of course not. The two are totally different.
No, that's ridiculous.
No, but it's perfectly alright to physically damage them.
No and Heck No.
No, but I sure think about doing it, LOL!
Uhhh....NO! I can't stand people who are that whacked out and unstable. What if they didn't like the way I said Hello? +5
NO!!!! but when you are always the low dog, then it is time to let things change.
personally, I would but thats just me and my temper
Sometimes it would be tempting, but if we do that we're just lowering ourselves to their level. If at all possible, it's not a good idea to do it.
No. That just drags you down and makes you as offensive as them.
No. It's actually illegal to do so.
Nah I'd rather tear them apart mentally. If I would care at all. I think just random people calling me names would not bother me. It would hurt my feelings maybe but I would not feel the need to do anything in retribution.
No. It's as if you are saying "it is wrong to call me a name, but right for me to destroy your property". It's hypocritical, and brings you down to a very low level.
No i don't think that would have change it from happening! They are only Words!
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna start a riot and loot and burn my town to the ground in protest.
Linda Joy
"Sticks and Stones..."
NOPE!!!!!! cause thats childish
"Sticks and stones..."
No being called a nasty name, while certainly is wrong, doesn't justify physically damage their property.
Repay evil with good, instead of evil for evil.
No. Causing damage to someone else’s property over something nasty that was said only makes things worse. You could be reported to the police for property damage. When someone says something nasty to you, just ignore them.
When they are raining blows on you for damaging their stuff was it worth it?
Of course not. In the case, the person who damages something has committed a crime. An insult is not a crime except under unusual circumstances - and rightly so. (Why: the insult costs you nothing, the damaged item means that the victim suffers a financial loss.)
This is an easy question. Of course being called a nasty name doesn't justify to physically damage something of theirs in retribution. I'm not justifying being insulted. However that doesn't excuse damaging property.
If you punch at words with your fists, you might not feel that your actions are very effective.
In Matthew 22:39 it says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. If someone calls you a "nasty" name let the Lord take care of the situation name calling and just love them.
No In this pathetic age it seams to be the done thing thou. I see it happening alot. Usually by those that own nothing
NO. I laugh & then forgive them. They are looking for a violent reaction & I deny them that pleasure!!! 😊
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