I think, THEY'RE GREAT :) i get addicted. i once spent £300 tryin to win a keychain.. :S
No skill involved, just plain luck.
Army Veteran
No skill...just timing.
It's a game of chance. Slot games and bingo games are the popular casino games mostly played by the people of all age groups.
There are money hungry, eatin machines.LOL
I like em'
A crafty way of collecting loose change.
I love them! We have poker and keno machines in Montana and I've played them many times. FUN FUN FUN!! But while drinkin' you have to limit yourself! We also have scratch tickets and the lottery. +5
The other one arm bandit besides a gas pump!!
I have never played one, but I would so put my nickles in!
I think you should keep me away from them!!!!! I spent 300 a day in vegas only on slots!!!! God I love them... I like to get to the bonus rounds...
A good way to take a spin.
they are a little rough on the hips otherwise i love them +5
just a game of chance and incorporates lots of fun and huge bonus offers.
I love playing the slots. I used to go play almost every Saturday morning until I had my son. Great way to waste time and money if you ask me! +3
Army Veteran
Take your son - introduce him to the penny slots.
Bad idea +5
Slot machines (also known as fruit machines) are a type of casino games. Unlike the tradition casino games slots don't required any gambling knowledge. Anyone can play the slot machines games with basic knowledge about slots. No special gambling skills are required to play the slot machine. You can play slot machine for free as well as for real money. If you want I would like to suggest you to play at
i like slot machines .they are better then play cards for me anyway
Waste of Time AND money, got better things to waste my money on, and time.
They're a great way to win money. If you own the slot machine.
love em, being a repair engineer an all! they were my bread n butter over 7 years lol
fun to play but terrible odds to win
dont use them to know
poor odds
I'm not much interested in gambling in general, but I can't think of a more boring way to gamble. After all: you have NO CONTROL over the outcome of a slot machine. Most gambling games, there is personal skill and choice involved that influence the outcome tremendously. Even with roulette (another bore), you can place bets in a way that affect your outcome. With slot machines, the ONLY skill is: the ability to insert a coin into the machine, and the degree of your skill does NOT affect the outcome at all.
I won $400 at one once. Haven't won a dime since. I've had my time in the limelight. Now its over. It was fun while it lasted. Good memories. I paid a phone bill I was worrying about. lol.😆
Slot machines are an expense people pay for not understanding how statistics work.
Notice they are only in poor areas rich people don't play them they keep plenty of poor people poor. They should be illeagal or only allowed at casinos not in every Hotel. There are a few rich Australians that make out they are the poor Aussie battlier the reality is they make their money from slot machines or pokies as they are known here. All pokie operators essentically take money from the poor children of single mothers on welfare their biggest victims.
Fun but terrible odds to win.
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