Yes, too many. +5
yes silly person
Female spiders produce either one egg sac containing several to a thousand eggs or several egg sacs each with successively fewer eggs. Females of many species die after producing the last egg sac. Others provide care for the young for some period of time; these females live one or, at most, two years. Females of the mygalomorph spiders may live up to 25 years and those of the primitive haplogyne spiders up to 10 years. The protective egg sac surrounding the eggs of most spiders is made of silk. Although a few spiders tie their eggs together with several strands of silk, most construct elaborate sacs of numerous layers of thick silk. Eggs, which often have the appearance of a drop of fluid, are deposited on a silk pad and then wrapped and covered so that the finished egg sac is spherical or disk-shaped. The females of many species place the egg sac on a stalk, attach it to a stone, or cover it with smooth silk before abandoning it. Other females guard their egg sacs or carry them either in their jaws or attached to the spinnerets. The European cobweb spider (Achaearanea saxatile) constructs a silken thimble-shaped structure and will move the egg sac into or out of this structure to regulate egg temperature. Female wolf spiders carry their egg sacs attached to the spinnerets and instinctively bite the egg sac to permit the young to emerge after a certain length of time has elapsed. If a female loses an egg sac, she will make searching movements and may pick up a pebble or a piece of paper and attach it to the spinnerets. Source:
Sure do.
Yes, they most certainly do and they lay them all in your bed in a neat little row under your pillow! LOL
Yes, but it's GROSS!
yes they lay lots in thesewhite sacs eeew+5
Yes of course..I think chief has answered this
Oh yeah.....and lots of them....
A friend of mine discovered once that a spider had laid an egg sac under his skin. At first it just appeared to be a pimple on his arm ... ... but it's ok, he did get it out before any of them hatched.
Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!! get it off me!!!
Yes, that's what I've heard.
Omg! Not you too!! I hate those things...<shivers>
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