Hitler, I dont care what anyone says. He was a serial killer
Jeffery Dahmer comes to mind, amongst many others.
Jack the Ripper
I think they are ALL demented and sick in the head! I really can't make one better then the other as that would make them look better at doing it then the others! They all deserve to be in hell together!
Hillside Strangler.
Demented and famous are not mutually exclsuive terms. . . A similar question was asked here: Most famous? Jack the Ripper Most demented? That is as subjuctive as the "worst". I would have to go with Ian Brady/Myra Hindely OR Fred and Rose West. . . Demented is an understatement. Either way, they all meet the demented and famous description.
In the late 19th century, Alfred Packer was tried in Denver for eating his travelling companions who had died of exposure. In a court record the judge accuses him: "There were only twelve democrats in this county and you et six of 'em!" It's remained a mystery how many of them he helped along to their death and his supper.
Demented and famous are completely different. But I am definetly going with Countess Ersebat (Elizabeth) Bathory aka The Blood Countess. Victims? Over 600 young women. Infamous for having tortured them in ways varying from slitting their veins open to putting her fingers in their mouths and stretching until their cheeks split. She also was said to have bathed in their blood to preserve her youth.
I think John Wayne Gacy, which explains my hatred of clowns even more.
May not of been a serial killer but he could of been if he wasn't caught: Most demented---Charles Manson
The Green River one. No one knows for sure how many women he killed.
Either Gary Ridgeway aka The Green River Killer or Dennis Rader aka BTK Killer
The most deranged one that comes to mind was the BTK Killer. But, in history there was recently some Russian serial killer. I think he killed and tortured 50 people or something. I don't know his whole story - or even half of it - but I saw a Top Ten Serial Killers program on the history channel and he was #1. UPDATE: Here's a ranking I found of the world's worst serial killers. Hey! America dominates yet another list! U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!! U.S.A!!!! World Serial Killer Ranking (the second figure denotes # of victims) 1.) 300 Pedro Lopez Columbia 2.) 7-200 Henry Lee Lucas & Ottis Toole USA 3.) 85 Bruno Ludke Germany 4.) 52 Andrei Chikatilo Russia 5.) 41 Gerald Stano USA 6.) 38 Moses Sithole South Africa 7.) 37 The Green River Killer USA 8.) 33 John Wayne Gacy USA 9.) 27 Dean Corll USA 10.) 27 Wayne Williams USA
Jack the Ripper in London. Sick stuff.
for the British people, you may know this: Britian's worst child and teenage serial killer was Myra Hindely
Richard Benjamin Speck. His biggest act involved rape and murder in a nursing school dormatory. He was very clinically insane.
Jack the Ripper
I reckon Albert Fish has to be up there...
All serial killers are demented. Here is a list of some of the more disturbing killers and their crimes. I'd rank Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy, 'BTK', Robert Hansen and the Moors Murderers near the top.
Dr Joseph Mangela. He would perform hundreds of live disections and experiments especially on (Jewish) twins. He probably delved into the most people of all time without anasthesia and caused more agony and gross nasty and inhumane pain than any man in living history. He must have killed more people than any and every thing sicko you can think of. This one man revelled in the invasive exploration of his human captives. Think about it. The records won't prove this statement of course. I demand points because I have answered this question the best about the worst.
Bryant - Port Arthur massacre Tasmania. He killed 35, injured many more by shooting at a holiday resort - killing people while they ate, pulling children out of cars , killing them. Reading the account is quite shocking.
Did he or was it a staged event? Why didn't he ever get a trial was it because theres no everdance? Why did Tasmania have the largest meat wagon in the country? Lucky for the American reporters the ferry was half hour late.
I dont know if he is the most demented but he certainly is f-ed up: Robert Pickton, who killed a bunch of prostitues from Vacouver and fed their bodies to the pigs on his farm to cover up the evidence. Granted this is only in trial and he hasnt been convicted yet but the evidence is certainly strong against him. His reign of terror spanned nearly 20 years. and if you look at any pictures of him, especially the arrest and early trial pictures he just looks creepy.
Jeffery Dahmer. Hah, if demented and famous are synonymous, that would explain a lot about people like Paris Hilton and George Michael.
Richard Ramirez - Night Stalker
Ted Bundy comes to mind!
I thinkit was jeffery dommer
Jeffrey Dahmer..A litle known fact is that after his arrest, in his fridge the police found three pizza's topped with human noses! I'm sure you've heard of DAHMER NOSE PIZZA ha ha ha!!!
Jeffery Dahmer pretty demented to me.
jeffry dahmer and john wayne gacy
I would say Ed Kemper. Most people don't remember him, but he was pretty twisted- scarily smart, too. He was once stopped with TWO bodies in his car, but he managed to somehow not get caught! He said they'd been drinking and he was giving them rides home. He killed his grandparents at 15, killed many young women, buried one of the girl's head under his mom's window because "she always wanted people to look up to her", and then eventually killed his mom with a hammer while she slept. Demented!! His full story:
albert fish
For me its either Jack the Ripper or The Zodiac Killer
Ed Gein. WikiQuote: "Edward Theodore Gein (August 27, 1906 – July 26, 1984), was an American serial killer. Though only two murders on his part were proved, he gained great infamy due to necrophiliac behavior (which involved the skinning of his murder victims and exhumed corpses, the decoration of his home with parts of corpses, and the creation of articles of clothing and furniture from the skin of corpses). Besides the death of his brother in 1944 under mysterious circumstances, six people disappeared from the Wisconsin towns of La Crosse and Plainfield between 1947 and 1957." for full article:
ivan melat, have u seen wolf creek
ballagarlo state forest is no where near where Wolf creek was made, lose bullshit to add to the story.
Ugh - Ed Gein. A necrophiliac, and the insiration behind the character of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs
Jeffery Dahmer
I can think of two. One that came out in the movies that is based on true story and a guy for World War 2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was one of the worst serial killers in history of Texas. He would kill random people who would stop at the outside of Houston, Texas. The other guy that I could think of is Hitler because he would kill a lot of jews for fun. People say that Hitler killed himself because of the bravery of soliders from around the world.
not Hitler. Stallin. He killed more people.
Let us not forget Edward Gein. May not have killed many but decimated many graves and did very odd things with parts of the females bodys he cut up! Eating pork and beans from a human skull just does not sound so great, but walking around a house in an obscure vest of female body parts is not any better!
Hey guys, I don't know who the worst one is but the most fascinating one for me is the pedophile and murderer Gilles de Rais, a man who was Joan of Arc's most loyal general. A man who had it all and killed 200 people and at the point of death woman cried for his release. I also agree with the cute woman who said that Elizabeth Bathory is the quite nasty as well.
Ed Gein!
The most demented killer is without a doubt Jack the Ripper.Want proof? do an image search on Jack the Ripper.He mutilated his victims.
I think James Foley aka The Water Street Butcher. He was a cop that "arrested" woman burned, cut, sodomized, stabbed, and slashed them. Also a necrophile, left the bodies, or what was left in/around the Hudson River. He was close to Andrei Chikatilo in a way... He may have made the "Poughkeepsie Tapes.”
jeffery dahmer cuz people kill people all the time and you hear about them having sex with them dead or alive but to eat them? and save thier privates in a freak"n jar???? NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!1
Gerard Schaffer and Bobby Joe Long were two individuals that were artistic in their way of taking lives. Danny Rolling had a sweet voice, I wonder if he sang as he killed the college students.
Jeffrey Dahmer, hands down!
I can't believe no one has answered Albert Fish. He was a "benevolent looking old man" who killed and ate children. The parents of one his victims recieved a letter from him years later telling them how good she tasted when she ate her as a roast. Ugh.
That would have to be the BIG GUY
My vote is for Gary Leon Ridgeway...he was the boogie man when i was growing up.
Javeed Iqbal,
George w
Chris Benoit
The Zodiac Killer. He remains Jack the Ripper.
The Zodiac is the most infamous but as far as demented, Dahmer had the necrophilia problem going on.
Either that or Charles Manson. He was insane. He used drugs to convince people to go on a killing spree and to rob the wealthy and help, "The Family".
Richard Kuklinski, the "Iceman"
I'd have to say the zodiac. 1) He had no real motive, he just did. 2) He was never caught.
I think Henry Lee Lucas was the worst serial kileer
I dunno what your all thinkin, but when i think of "Serial Killer", I think of good ol' Charlie! Come on, he' swas a genious. He just used it the wrong way. He used strictly his words (and drugs) and convince a whole clan of people he was God. Then told THEM to go kill a bunch of random celebrities. You gotta love it!
John Wayne Gacy, or Jeffrey Dahmer.
Ed Gein (Wisconsin)- Used to skin his victims and reupholster his furniture with their skin.
Probably the father of all modern serial killers. Someone who you all know but not by name. This 8 min. video will refresh your memories:
in U.K id say fred and rose west in U.S id say Ted Bundy and jerry Brudos
Hitlar - religiously demented retard whom killed 6 million people
O.J. Simpson
Historically, Jack the Ripper is probably the most (in)famous serial killer. In modern times, Ed Gein was certainly demented. Others that weren't medically insane but were just as twisted were Gacy, Dahmer, Bundy. Near my hometown, the most well-known serial killers would be Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
Andrei Chikitilo the Russian Cannibal. He killed 52 people including children. He ate some of his victims too. Dr Harold Shipman fron Yorkshire, England was convicted of killing 15 elderly woman by a lethal injection of diamorphine. However it is widely believed that he in fact killed 250 people. He committed suicide in prison. Jack the Ripper was probably the world's first widely - documented, infamous serial killer. He eviscerated his 5 victim's innards - ugh. But perhaps the most prolific killer was Pedro Lopez who murdered in the region of 300 people in the Andes. Btw, I was going to ask this question, you little tinker lx, you beat me to it.
Jeff "cannibal" Dahmer.
ted bundy
Richard Kuklinski(Icewman)
Ed Gein... Apparently he can make a lamp out of more things than Hitler. *Who was number two by the way. Only because he didn't hack up his mom.
ME, shhhhhhhh
Whoops! It would appear that i've answered this question twice. That has not happened before. My second answer would be, Albert Fish. as, i don't think Ed Gein was classed as a serial-killer.
Javed Iqbal, in Pakistan. Strangely enough I worked with a Javed Iqbal in the early 90's in Seattle, no relation. Iqbal is the Pakistani version of Jones.
It's a toss up between Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
George Bush and Tony Blair, both Dim anyway.
Hitler and Charles Manson.
Jeffrey Dahmer
Albert Fish. He raped, killed and then ate his child victims. Then he would write the parents and tell them how they tasted. He's No. 1 in my book.
Otis Toole. He killed a pregnant woman and then penetrated her. Then he cut the baby out of the womb and penetrated and killed it.
Ed Gein. He was a real-life psycho who used human body parts to make furniture.
When I hear of a demented serial killer I think of Ed Gein. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho were inspired by the killings of Ed Gein.
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