• Yes. They have a right to know. when i was little my mom told me about a child that she miscarried. I was six years old. to this day I wonder what he would have looked like and what he would be like.
  • nope..they should not
  • I dont think so... if it comes up then dont lie but if never asked that is something that im sure a woman would not like to talk about
  • I know my mom had an abortion before she was married and had me and my sister, though i NEVER considered it a sibling... She told me when I was 18 and facing an unplanned pregnancy, other than something like that, I don't see why you would.
  • Not if it was an abortion just for the reason the baby was unwanted.
  • I don't see why not.
  • They only reason I would see the need to do so is if a child were in a similar situation. I think sharing life experiences at the appropriate time is excellent parenting! By the way, this means some things may not be told...
  • This way when they get mad at you, you can tell them, "Look, you should be grateful dat I didn't do you like I did ya brotha." (wit a Brooklyn accent)
  • No. Kids should be filled with happy thoughts and not sad and what could have been. I do not see any reason to tell the kids
  • ya to be funny and make them feel more special since they didn't abort the kid. jokeing.
  • yes, but when they're old enough to understand why.
  • There were no siblings that were aborted. There might have been embryos or fetuses... But siblings have to be alive. At any rate, I can't imagine anything to be gained by it. So I would say, in any circumstance I can think of now, no. +5
  • I don't really see what reason there would be to do so, what would be achieved, unless perhaps they had a daughter thinking of doing the same thing.
  • Yeah, they shouldnt hide secrets. How can anyone trust each other other wise.Also don;t make them believe in the easter bunny, i felt betraid when i found out the truth, i mean lying to every child in the world is mean!! Pandora Hearts from the Black Lagoon
  • Do you mean like saying ..."You'd have a little brother or sister BUT we butchered them." etc ... I don't think so . +5
  • They should so that they kids know they mean business when they tell them "I brought you in this world and I'll take you out and make another one just like you." Kids don't usually believe it when parents say it, but this way they'll know you mean business.
  • A resounding no. I think people forget why we bring children into this world..Of course to try make them the best they can be...our mistakes we learn from and all not need be shared. Our children are to be given all the tools to be a kind thoughtful and realistic adults. To bring abortions or sex partners etc.. into it blurs the line of Parent/ Child in my estimation...We can leave some things for our children to learn on their own! Let's just give them the best tools we have from our experiences! My Opinion
  • No, I think there is no reason to, unless it's bothering you or you feel guilty towards your kids, but I think you need to go see a pro then though.. If my son would ask I would not lie about it, but I am not going to burden him with something that not even burdens me.
  • Yes. Parents shouldn't lie to their kids.
  • Yeah, but I don't recommend they show the pictures.
  • Yeah. That should make them feel special.
  • No, I don't see the positive side to sharing this information. If abortion comes up being honest would be the best thing. But to just sit them down one day and tell them they almost had a brother or sister, no.
  • Not something I would ever do... parents do have the full right to keep certain aspects of their lives, particuarly aspects like that, completely private. That is for the best. There may come a time, perhaps if their daughter is going through a similar thing, when it may be very helpful to share that information though.
  • That way the kids will know you're serious when you say "if you do that one more time I'll kill you!"
  • if theres good reason to
  • Superb question. The answer is yes, when they are old enough, i.e. more than 15. And also the reason why they were aborted, WHATEVER THAT REASON MAY BE.
  • I don't think there is any need to until the question arrises. Which I doubt ever really will.
  • I wouldn't consider it a brother/sister and I would only speak of it if my daughter needed to know because she was going to have one. Some things are private, but should be shared if needed. I don't share my private life unless my children ask me and it has merit.
  • No! It none of their business; what goes inside moms vagina or what comes out is mom's business. It's also psychologically inappropriate.
  • maybe not, it might upset them

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