I'd wait ... the mother is only TRYING to protect her babies , like ANY mother should . Try NOT to go near that light pole unless you really have to .
Don't worry, the birds grow up fast. After they have finally left, then take it down.
I can't believe you're even openly asking if you should just knock the next down. Hey - I have a question. The kids playing outside my house are being so noisy, should I a) shoot the lot of them OR b) just hope they go to bed soon. Ooh the dilemma.
Could you use another door until the birdlings leave the nest? Personally, I wouldn't disturb a nest with baby birds even if it caused me inconvenience. One time a bird built a nest under the eave of the house right outside my bedroom window. Their constant chirping was certainly annoying, but they were quiet at night and in a few weeks they were gone. No other bird has ever re-built there.
Wait...and tell your husband to wear a hat.
The babies will be leaving soon. It don't take them long to go big enough to fly. Please please please don't knock down the nest. It will be over with before you know it! :-) +5
If it's a Blue jay... Move it as far away as you can... Them little fuck*rs will attack for shits and giggles... They suck normally but when there are babies involved they can be downright mean! Just don't touch them or she will kill them.
Give it a while, if it persists, show em whos boss.
Well, unless it's a pteradoctyl, I would leave the poor bird in peace. Why would you be so cold as to knock down the nest since it's only trying to protect it's young? Why not enjoy the whole experience and use the front door for a few weeks? Teach your family respect for this great gift of nature.
I think you and your husband will survive the attacks. When they start dropping nuclear bombs, then you can destroy life needlessly. A 6 ounce bird is hardly a damn threat.
It's best just to wait the few weeks until they fledge and leave the nest. Unless it's something large like a hawk or heron, it should only be a short period of time. Knocking it down will kill the chicks and ruin the whole breeding season for the birds. It's hard enough for birds to make it these days without adding to their dangers.
I had one on the light by our front door. Our solution was to use a different door for the few weeks until the babies grew up and left the nest. The babies aren't hurting anyone and they deserve a chance to live. It's not their fault their stupid parents put the nest near a den of a "prey"(you). Please let them grow up and move on. Next season when you notice them rebuilding...(most likely they will) keep tossing out the nest as they are making it. They will eventually move on.
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