Mc Gillicudy.
I think I read somewhere that it is 'Cheney'.
He has many names: Lucifer, Devil, Prince of Darkness. His last name will be "thrown into the lake of fire".
same as everone's.......
spawn! as in satan spawn
Horrorwitz,he changed it though! as he did not want people to know he was Jewish!
Before or after he is cast out of heaven. Then he was Lucifer, the Morning Star. Aside from last names already mentioned, he is also known as The Deceiver, Father of All Lies
Per Yahoo!Answers: That's a trick question! Satan is Satan's last name! Satan always does opposite of what the normal does excepting when normal gets whatever Satan wants. Satan prefers to be called by his last name rather than any of his first names: Beezlebud, Lucifer, Anti-christ, Devil, Demon, Betrayer, Treachery, Deceiver, Liar, Evil, Bluffer, Destroyer, Lafarce, Armegon, Negativity, Farcer, Fraudist, Basher, Enderby, Verman, Venom, Bully etc. Per Yarnlady: Devil - as in "That Devil Satan"
Christ. Him and Jesus are brothers
it looks as if he only has titles. in hebrew his real name is Saw-tan that is how it is pronounced
Obama lol
Jones. +5
dont know,but he has lots of names. the serpent the dragon lucifer the evil one beelzebub
I don't know, Are we playing name the fictional character? ... What is Pikachu's last name?
jokerblue because sad jokers suck. and i'm afraid of clowns
Satan is an old Hebrew word that means 'Adversary'. It is NOT the Devil's proper name. And the devil is a fictional creation anyway.
I'm willing to bet it's the same as my Ex's
Friend. His 3 middle names are 'Radical Doubt Why' (Full name: Mr Satan Radical Doubt Why Friend) * Satan (Devil) is nothing but ‘radical doubt’, an objective and enquiring human mind seeking knowledge & TRUTH. Only a human mind may be open to rational thought process[es], reason and logic; and willing to question “why”, prepared to challenge anything and everything under the sun including the sun itself! So the moment the first question ‘why’ pops into your conscious, you have become the “victim” of Devil, “possessed” even! All Gods jealously compete with Devil for ‘betterness’, Devil couldn’t care less! Devil means no harm to those who don’t believe in it, or even who preach hatred against it. Even all godmen admit: Devil is always happy, always smiling! His eyes have a lively glint! And like a true friend, the Devil does not expect anything in return: no obedience, loyalty, spiritual ritual, prayers, offerings or sacrifice! So, who is your friend now? ‘Vice’ and ‘virtue’ are relative to whose side one is on! Hence, ‘Devil does not automatically equate evil’. Unlike many competing Gods, there is only one Devil and from the beginning of time, and Devil is stronger! Devil has endured many gods single-handedly --just by being itself-- and apparently with great success. All god-men believe that Devil is still around, don’t they? So, who is better, Mr Satan RDW Friend, or [any] god?!
I'll assume this is a serious question,...and provide a serious answer. - The truth is, we don't know Satan's last name. In fact,... ,...we don't know his proper given name at all. - The Scriptures indicate that the creature known as Satan did not always have that name. "Satan" means "Resister" - and so, applied to him only AFTER he turned against God. This descriptive name was given to him because of his taking a course of opposition and resistance to God. - We know the angels had individual names,...because the scriptures name two of them for us: Michael and Gabriel. The name the Devil had before he rebelled is not recorded. - This is ironic, since the desire for self-glorification is apparently what motivated him in his rebellion - As it is,... -we all know about "The Resister", (Satan) -we all know about "The Slanderer", (Devil) ...,and some even worship these two titles. - But they can NEVER honor his NAME,...which is what he wanted to begin with.
I think he's like Cher, he doesn't have a family{last} name...
he goes by Lucifer... AKA Satan
*** In the proverbial saying of Isaiah chapter 14, the boastful and ambitious king of Babylon (that is, the Babylonian dynasty of kings represented by Nebuchadnezzar), called the ?shining one? (Heb., heh?lelʹ; ?Lucifer,? KJ), is presented as seeking to lift up his throne ?above the stars of God.? (Isa 14:4, 12, 13) The metaphor of a ?star? is used in referring prophetically to the Davidic kings of Judah (Nu 24:17), and Bible history shows that the Babylonian dynasty for a time did rise above these Judean kings by conquest of Jerusalem.
To be frank-he does not have one. Last names are a cultural idea. Before there were last names the way we think of them today people would say things like "John, son of Ben" just to trace some kind of lineage. The vikings, for example, would tack on "[father's name]'s son" to the end of their first name. Know the famous viking Leaf Erikson? Its really 'Leaf Erik's son'
*** The Scriptures do not reveal this spirit creature
"We are dough".
well, let's see; take your pick: Cheyney, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Bezos.....all I can think of right now..
The word "Satan" means angel who resisted Jehovah God's directions...and sought worship for himself...It is more a description of his actions than just a name.
He does not have one... His name [ Satan ] means RESISTOR... He resists Jehovah's good standards
Satan does not have a last name. In Jewish beliefs, he is a created angel by God. The name Satan in Hebrew means: "adversary."
He doesn't have one. Last names are used to distinguish possession. That's why women start with their father's name and then take the husband's name. Marriage was a transfer of property! Hence the dowry- payment for the property.
The Satan's full name is Lucifer Hussein Obama.
Satan the devil is a description of the original serpent, or the first angel to rebel against God. The Bible only refers to this evil spirit with adjectives that describe his characteristics. His proper name has been erased.
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