not everyones cup of tea.
Drugs are good, drugs are bad. I like 2Cb, mescaline, shrooms, acid, pot, alcohol, ketamine, coke, opium and DMT. I hate drugs like speed and caffeine.
Drugs are bad, mmkay?
A death warrant..
Quick way to death.
Drugs are ONLY to be used in medicines...
(illegal drugs) are a crutch!
Drugs are what you make of them.
For the weak in mind ...
Stupit and your stupit for taken them.
unhealthy for you
A tool like any other: useful and good in some situations, bad and harmful in others. Weed, by the way, is something like a Swiss Army Knife: useful (or harmless at least) in all but the rarest of occasions.
baad mmmkay
Not for me.
perfect, good, helpful, calming, relaxful, a getaway.
veery bad for you.+5
Fun but certainly not nescessary. Drugs are only bad if you do not know your own limits and do not know when to quit.
an opportunity to flee from life and problems. Every self-aware being on earth has some form of drug and uses them/are addicted to them.
are for mugs!
bad for you! give them to me!
the second most profitable industry in the USA (Energy is #1).
dirty filthy because they are dealt by greedy scum with one single goal which isn't to help the end user.
"a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body." I take a hand full every morning and evening. I'd most likely be dead without my heart meds.
. . . Dangerous while some mess up your brain, destroy your health and others result in death. Don’t go down that road. You are better off without them in order to be healthy and live a long and natural life. Other types of drugs called medication are of medical help for people with some sort of health condition. There are 2 types of drugs which are the dangerous type for junkies who breathe in bad smoke into their lungs and the other type is for helping a person get better with their mental health or for some sort of other condition
Like Linda Joy, drugs are keeping me alive.
Ok if a Dr gives them to you.
How many junkies started their addiction at the doctors office ?oxycodone Your country has the most junkies in the world where did the majourity of them start their addiction?
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