Talk. Decide together whether it's important and what your options are. Are you talking minor differences or major?
Make them a friend..:)
You adapt. Maybe then can change a little. Maybe you have to change alot! But, you adapt.
I try to figure out why, and deal with it, because loving someone is the more important part.
Speaking from experience you really have to talk this through properly. It may sound trivial to some but if youre with someone for years & the sex is bad it really does take its toll on the relationship. If you cant sort out whatever this incompatability is you need to move on cos the alternative wont be pretty.
who stole my boyfriend?
you could try taking something to boost your sex drive?? Take any number of herbal supplements that contain mandrake root and/or ginsing. maybe that will get you in the mood a little more often.
Either give them lessons or wait for them to figure it out. My teaching days are long over! I get off then you get off! Period!
thats called being friends..
Romantic love is not possible without physical chemistry and compatability Just stop seeing them altogether so as to not give any false pretenses or leave any lingering ideas Move on
try communication. practice. cosmo. and if that all fails sex therapy. I do not believe sexual compatibility is a physical incompatibility, it is a technique issue or apathy. if he is apathetic toward her needs then she needs to leave him... most men LOVE giving pleasure as much as they love recieving it. techniques can be learned, you both need to learn how to respond to eachother.
only one answer to that, get it elsewhere
See a relationship therapist
Are they teachable?
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