Every country and region of the globe has 4 seasons - even places like Antarctica. Although, sometimes it feels like the UK only has two!
bostjan the adequate 🥉
That's not accurate. Tropical regions have two seasons - wet and dry. Everywhere else has four.
Summer all year!! i am from Barbados in the Caribbean. We do have wet and dry season though
Four... Mediterranean climate ...but not in "it".
cold and colder.
This year is seems like just Winter and a couple days of summer
Basically two, Summer and NearSummer. :-)
I live in Michigan. 365 seasons.
Four seasons.
2. Winter and road construction. ;)
two. warm and hot
Four. Summer-5 months, fall-3 months, spring 3 months, winter maybe 6 weeks.
Four. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall/Autumn.
summers, rains, strangely hot and humid, Autumn, winters, spring and summers again. all those seasons in one year.
There's cold, colder, soaking wet and sizzling hot.
1/2 year of blast furnace heat followed by 1/2 year of mild spring/fall weather and little chance of much rain.
Summer, Diet Summer, Autumn, and Extreme Autumn.
Four! You know which ones! lol
Definitely four
Two. Eight-nine months of ridiculously hot, and three-four months of not-so-hot.
Two: One that's hot and has some old people, and the other is hot with a lot of old people.
Last time I counted there were the usual four...have I missed summat.
Four....unless you want to throw Indian Summer in there.....
Summer, Fall , Winter , Spring
4, which are spring, summer, fall known as (autumn) and winter.
We have 4 seasons, Spring , Summer , Autumn and Winter .
all 4 but if you add ketchup, mayo, etc there are more than 4 ☺
all 4 unless you count ketchup and mustard 😄
Here in Eastern Arkansas: four *** (1) Summer - unbearably hot, lasts about 9 months (2 & 3) Spring and Autumn [nighttime temperatures above freezing, daytime temperatures up to 80] - each lasts about 1 month (4) Winter [nighttime temperatures below freezing] lasts about a month
I live in a temperate zone. There are four seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
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