It means love ya, lots of love... stuff like that
I think it's s'posed to besome sort of strage, deformed love heart!
It means love or it could just mean a heart. Depends on how it is used.
<33 is an enthusiastic <3! <3 is a heart on it's side.
A heart on ITS side. You wouldn't say "A heart on it is side", would you?
<33 means love or hearts!It is just a sign of love!
Depends where you come across it. In a spreadsheet it means less than 33, in the same way that >33 means more than 33. I can see that <3 would be a heart, but I bow to the knowledge of previous answerers.
G'day Vince11, Thank you for your question. <3 means love so <33 is an extension of this. It is an example of what is called an emoticon. Regards Reference Wikipedia Emoticon Emoticons and Smileys What is emoticon,,sid9_gci212057,00.html Emoticons
JULIO ARCA, old days
Ballsack <3 Saggy ballsack <33
its just a symbol for a heart :)
I see others say it means love but it is about a movie that is called The 33 about miners when they had a cave in. Where the only path inside the mine is completely blocked.
The < symbol means "less than", so
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