chips for snacks and popcorn for movies.
I love chips... popcorn makes me sick unless its kettle corn.
Wise or Pringle chips, and popcorn without butter and salt.
popcorn- taisty and healthier than chips. a good combination ofgreat and great for you.
I make Old Fashion Popcorn almost every night
Moving Violation
What is old fashion? Feb.07.2022
Chips, tho' not by much. I love them both.
Chips. Popcorn sticks in my teeth.
Yes, please!!!
Popcorn is yummy.
chips because popcorn gets stuck everywhere..
POPCORN!!!! no particular reason, just that my dad doesn't have any popcorn bags...
Popcorn! oh I love that stuff! Butter too please - might as well clog my arteries while I'm at it! :-D
I love the smell of popcorn but I prefer chips to eat.
chips are good. when i am craving salty foods.
Popcorn. It is healthier and not as fattening as chips if you take them plain with a little amount of salt.
The white cheddar cheese popcorn thats already popped in a bag. Love that stuff!
Dill pickle chips, or vineger and salt chips.
Chippies ... for me
chips/crackers are my weakness. popcorn isn't too forbidden to me.
Go with the popcorn.
Popcorn! It fills you up better and I love the taste.
I got a can of guacamole Pringles. You want some?
Another vote for popcorn! But sprinkle some parmesan cheese on it.
Both! The government can't tell any of us not to eat them! Let's hear it for popcorn! Now let's hear it for chips! Now let's hear it for popcorn and chips!!!
Im on a diet so have popcorn and you can eat some for me,i just love it.
i dont see why you cant have both , mix them in a large bowl and enjoy.
Popcorn, healthier choice almost always!
Potato chips. Definitely.
Potato chips, the wavey ones.
Salted peanuts
Pretzels if they are sweet otherwise i would choose chips.
Popcorn please!!
If it's caramel or cheese popcorn, that's what I'd choose. Otherwise, I'd go with chips.
Dill Pickle Chips.
potato chips, please.
Peanuts. They're yummy and high in protein.
Pringles please! I likes my tater chips.
Today? Pretzels Tomorrow who knows?
Right now I could really go for some pretzels!
peanuts, they help you eat less.
definetly popcorn!!
at the movies definitely popcorn! but at homee defs sun chips or mrs.vickies ;P
I prefer popcorn
I prefer chips.
chips for goin out with friends popcorn for movies
popcorn definately
popcorn. I don't like chips
popcorn at theater and chips while watching cricket games
If it's popcorn it has to have salt and butter. If it's chips it has to be really thin, fresh and salty, or hot flavor or vinegar and salt. If the chips are plain, I want dip. Thank goodness I don't eat this very often or I would be big as a house.
Chips please.
Popcorn. Chips are carcinogenic.
Popcorn, it's healthier too isn't it?
Chips although I do not like those very much I would rather have fries.
popcorn! but I do like organic tortilla chips with cottage cheese for dip.
I love Salty Greasy Chip! But eat very few!
Popcorn with nothing on it. Feb.07.2022
Tough call. Depends on what I'm in the mood for. *** Home-made popcorn - made in a pot, using corn oil (tastes better for some reason than other oils) and topped with real butter - is really tasty and pleasantly hot. Also: you can salt it to taste. But it takes time and the right materials to do it right. Chips are VERY convenient. An excellent-tasting chip requires no preparation other than opening the bag, and tastes excellent even cold (whereas popcorn tastes best hot). *** On the other hand, home-made popcorn is much cheaper. In fact: it's much cheaper even than microwave popcorn, and microwave popcorn is much cheaper than chips.
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