Lil Dude, 'tis the definition of "cool"
Smokey was the name of mine. =]
George Burns
I named my two oscars Ozzie and Harriett. Seemed pretty cool in the early 80's. LOL
I have had Bettas all my life and I like to give them frilly names to match their fins. :) I had one named Vittorio, one named Mercucio, and the last one I had was named Amadeus, which is my personal favorite. It was fun to say. I had to leave Amadeus with my parents when I left to live elsewhere, but I got a new Betta, whom I have named Spartacus.
Mr. Limpet. It's from the movie "The Incredible Mr. Limpet" starring Don Knotts. It's about a man who falls in the ocean and becomes a fish. He helps the US Navy defeat the German Submarines in WWII. It was a great movie.
I bought my daughter a Beta on Superbowl sunday and was struggling with finding a name until the half time performing artist came on. We named the Beta........Prince.
Hootie. He was a blowfish. My nephew has a beta named Rover.
I had a giant Oscar fish named Jaws. Watching him eat goldfish was quite a trip.
I named a big black and orange oranda goldfish Naomi, after a friend who was black, big and had a great fuzzy hairdo like the fish:-)
I had a fish called "The Cigarette Smoking Man" back in the days of The X-Files. The great thing about fish is they don't care what you name 'em! :D
We have three goldfish in our pond (not counting the littlies who have no names!) There are two bright gold ones, called Slappy (because he used to slap the others when we first got him), Non-slappy (who looks like him but isn't aggressive) and Wannabe (who is multi-coloured and hangs around with the others.) There was a fourth, who was ignored by the others and was called Nigel. Nigel died. They also have Balinese order names: Wayan (firstborn) Made (2nd born) and Nyoman (3rd born). Sadly, Ketut (4th born), or Nigel is no longer with us.
Nosmo King
Nosmo King
How did you know I was a Fish? You are right though, my birthday is March 16th. Lol:)
Our red ruby oscar we named Ruby. Then realizing she was blind in one eye.... my boyfriend changed it to Bad eye Betty Rue.
I have two in my office at is Topo and the other is Mojo.
Albert. He was a big white trout that lived in my works fish tank.
The coolest name I heard for a fish is "Golden Pond". - - - - - - [Excerpt for you from website] - - - - - Goldfish Connection is a super Goldfish Care web site with lots of info on Goldfish Disease , Goldfish Aquariums, Goldfish Ponds and great Goldfish pictures. Goldfish Connection shares with you tested methods in proper goldfish care for treating goldfish disease, care of your goldfish pond and goldfish aquarium. Plus, how to keep your goldfish happy and in top goldfish health . If you're interested in different types of goldfish , breeding goldfish and beautiful goldfish pictures, Goldfish Connection is the goldfish care site for you!
Risteek for my betta fish. I miss him =(
The Incredible Mr. Limpett
Nemo :)
Dr. Fishopolis -- the name of Space Ghost's pet goldfish (apparently, he became a ghost after attempting to shave Dr. Fishopolis with an electric razor...)
I had a place where people were always coming and going, but one of the people always around was Frenchy, so when people came over, Frenchy always answered the questions they had about my saltwater tank.One of the questions always asked was, what is the octopus' name? Frenchy hated to tell them, because the octopus was named "The French Are Smelly Cowards" and THAT is the coolest name
I named each of my male betta fish after electronics. I had VCR, VHS, DVD, Toshiba, and Vizio :)
I named my betta Jet Lee. Kinda cool.
I have a lion fish once named Clarence.
Persila,Helvetica,Bimbo, and lets not forget about my fish Chuck Norris.
I used to have a sea bass called Norman, I thought that was a really cool name.
Eric fish. He's an halibut. I chose him out of thousands. I didn't like the others, they were all too flat.
4-2-2017 Humuhumunukunukuapua
Coolie C Coolio.
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