Sometimes. Have you read the book Revelations of Divine Love by Dame Julian of Norwich?
Almost as if you have known that person or have been there in a previous life. Sometimes I get strange feelings likwe that, but then again people tell me I'm strange. Go figure. q:) +4
No. I usually figure out 'why'! ;-)
I have been struggling with this for two years
Yes. Several times.
Yeah when I moved to Fort Collins CO.
I wan't to go to alameda and find that field with 22,000 plants and help protect it from the theiving-ass dea! god knows why?
Yes... I usually never act on those impulses though. They are never good for me in the end.
I often find myself in the kitchen and I dont know why I am there. I take advantage of the situation and grab a cold pepsi from the frij and a handful of oreo cookies.
Yes, a number of times.
Yeah but then I figured out why. There is a science behind it.
Yes, on both accounts.
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