"I'm not listening anymore"
"I disagree, but I have no legitimate basis for my disagreement, and I don't want to try to think any more. Your arguments would completely overwhelm me if I took the time or trouble to understand what you're saying. "This conversation is over, and you win, but I want casual observers to think that I am simply tired of arguing with you, because you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying. You and I know the reality, though." You can pack a lot in a little word, can't you?
You dont know what you are talking about
"I'm done talking about this."
talk to the hand (cause the face dont give a damn)
From a female to a male: I disagree with you but it's not worth my time/effort to bother to break it down. So let's talk about something else & if you don't like that, I don't much care.
"It is a phrase commonly used when the person who says it is too intellectually lazy to devise an appropriate or thoughtful response. It is also an indication of disrespect or annoyance. In all circumstances, there are better choices."
probably whatever you want
Draw four cards
Agree to disagree. Further discussion is futile.
Only one party has "agreed." Whatever.
It means I don't agree with you but I know better than to argue.
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