hmm, a Christian denomination that isn't Catholic (even though I am Catholic). Maybe Methodist?
Taoism. We have long been in need of some balance.
Rastafarianism. Everyone would be too toked up to oppress anyone.
Unitarianism... about as loose a theistic religion as I can think of. Although it's clutching at straws a bit!
Buddhism. (or Taoism, or Rastarianism) Nothing based on Abrahamic tradition please.
Buddhism or Unitarian Universalism. Theocracies almost inevitably cause a spirituality to take a turn for the worse though. I think that perhaps these two might be able to resist that tendency. I doubt it though, humans being what they are.
I agree with Don. Coltsfan: Methodist
Buddhism. Or Taoism.
Wicca. Maybe then we could fix the environment x
The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And i'm not trying to be funny here...its really the one i'd pick.
Buddism, would be a difference at least.
Pagan. Always had a soft spot for Zeus etc
Pastafarianism. All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! :-)
Can we do Kabalah? I love the string thingy.
I'd create my own and be the God.
I'd have to go with Buddhism, I think most Atheists probably are Buddhists anyway ;-)
Islam. At least they don't charge interest.
My country IS already a Theocracy and I had no saying in the matter
I had a thought: I'd like a hedonistic religion, maybe call it, Hedonism. every one is a god or goddess. (respect yourself, all of that. And party hard). Sounds like a good idea.
I declared myself Jedi in the census & I'll stick by it!!!!
The one where I'm in charge.
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