• 196..I think
  • 5.1mp simply refers to the number of pixels in the picture, not the quality. Each picture will be between 150 Kb and 1450 Kb. [Figures from Adobe Photoshop.] 1gb = 1048579 Kb Therefore you could store between 6990 and 723 photographs. This is a rough estimation.
  • ok now let us take each pixel is stored in 32 bits(32 bits allows to store 2^32 i.e 2 raised to 32 number of different colors). (it depends on the space utilized by your computer to save one pixel). so 5.1Mp= 5.1 * 1024 * 1024 * 32 bits. here 1GB= 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 8 bits 1Gb= 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bits ( B= Byte = 8 bits)now you should specify is it 1GB or 1Gb. so, the number of pictures that can be fit are, 1GB/5.1Mp ( 1GB divided by 5.1Mp) or if it is 1Gb then 1Gb/5.1Mp. hope now you got it clearly. :-P :)

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