Nope, hardly ever unless I'm going to be out for 3 or more hours. My skin tone makes it very difficult for me to burn.
No, I don't! And I know better, too. Old habits die hard, don't they? I never even heard of the stuff growing up. The only time I use it is when I'm going to be in a bathing suit, because I don't want delicate, ghost-like areas to glow like red embers :D:D:D
Usually. To avoid skin cancer.
No, I haven't in years and hardly ever have, though I know that you should. I just never think about it.
I rarely wear it, unless I"m going to be staying out in the sun or near water for a long period of time.
only if I'm gonna be in it for several hours. however sun screen does not protect me from getting sick from it... I probably average under 10 minutes of sun exposure per day, so when I go from that to 4 hours working it is a shock to my system with too much vitamine what D or what ever
Oh yes!...We use the kids one, factor 30..otherwise i'll end up looking like a beetroot.
Nope, only when on Holiday. But then as I live in Wales, the sun come out for that long.
Very rarely. If I'm going to be out in the blazing sun for hours I will, or cover up.
Between mid-April and the beginning of September I wear sunscreen almost all the time.
Nope, I've never worn any : )
I never wear sunscreen. What's the point of going out in the sun if it cant't get to you? I might look like a raisen when I get older, but I really don't care.
Looking like a raisin might be the least of your worries. Skin cancers are no fun.
never paws :)
No,I am a vitamin D addict ;)
Nope but i should. I burn so easily.
When I used to lay out in it I did, but now I just go for walks. Though it would be good if I still DID wear a sunscreen, I, 'alas, do NOT!
If I'm going to be outside for a long time then I put sunscreen on.
No, probably half the time, I do. I moss you.
oh no!!!!!!
Not always. I forget to when I just go for a walk in my neighborhood. But I should remember to put it on if is hot enough outside & a long enough walk.
Just walking around no but if I'm sunbathing I cover myself head to foot in factor 15.
I consistently wear sunscreen when I go out for a long time. Exceptions are to the supermarket and drugstore. Both are less than a block from me. I need to wear at least SPF30 since I am very fairskinned, prone to sunburn and a history of squamous cell carcinoma in my nose .(early stage&treated successfully by a dermatologist. PTL.)
Always. I am very fair-skinned, burn easily, and I need it. Even in winter when most of my body is covered, I wear a 30 SPF moisturizer on my face.
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