Around 120
Way more.
Less, I rarely watch a movie more than once unless its really really good. So I see no reason to buy DVD's. The one's I have I have been given.
"Less than 50."
More... I have over 25 television seasons of shows on DVD alone.
Way more... too bad I don't really watch them anymore.
Fewer. I received the Lord of the Rings trilogy as a gift a few years back. I think there are 9 dvds in it. That's about it.
Maybe about 40 of them.
more, less than 100.
I have 39 DVDs.
More than 100!
Sounds about right and growing. I would have more, but I'm really choosy in what I want to watch. HEY WAIT!! I haven't watched anything yet. I still got X-men 2 in the wrapper.
about 150.
Less +5
My goal is 365, one movie for each day of the year, and I certainly hope hollywood has made that many good ones, presently I not even half way there maybe a third or just a little less, we have yearly family film marathons, BBQ, beer and movies on our birthday week ends makes for great fun .. ~Nemo~
I Own more, maybe a little over 100, I think.
I own over 50 DVDs.
Way more than 50.
A lot less. Maybe about 8-10.
Close to three-hundred, If I can count them all =)
Less than 50. Maybe 18 or 20. Mostly Horror.
Less. But I own over 1000 CD's, and not the monetary kind.
Coming up close to 50.
I really have no idea...I guess I probably have around that. Give or take a few.
Way less...
way more than 50 but did a little cleaning and alot had to go
Less than 50, less than 30.
Less. I think i only own about 8
way more
less...however, i still have probably over 200 VHS tapes! :)
more then 50
More than.
dvds hardly any cds on the other hand over 300 dats excluding downloads
Way less. I own about 5.
i own more then 50 dvd i LOOVE movies..
may close to 50 if not more i am not sure how many i got .but it is a lot
More than 50, the most on AB for sure.
A couple hundred I'm sure. Mostly $5 dollar movies from the local video game store. (BUY ONE DVD GET TWO FREE!!!)
Way more than 50
way more
current count is 600+ ... need to update my inventory and get an exact count
no about 20
Probably around that many.
No, I actually don't own any. I just see all my movies at the movie theater. ;D
More than 600.
Way more. Been collecting since they came out in the late 1990s, and ramped up my efforts ten years ago, when it became clear to me that Hollyweird was converting from an entertainment industry to a propaganda factory. Never counted, but I suspect I have close to a thousand DVDs. Back when I used to have Comcast and commercial TV, my collection came in handy every November through December, when xtian/xmas crapola deluged every channel. It's still great in case the internet goes down, or should the leftists decide to pull the plug! I'm well glad I had the foresight to collect DVDs.
I have about 200 films and TV shows on DVD
i own much much more than 50..becasue i prefer DVDs ..i often buy them for hubby ..we dont use Foxtell Netflix etc
Wayyyyy less. I haven't paid for a movie in years. Why pay for them when you can just watch them for free? Lol
More, around 70 in total.
That is a lot.
I own a lot more than 50 DVD's
Less. DVD's are obsolete now. I can stream them online and don't collect them.
Loads more than that.
abt 50
Much much more than 50. I own hundreds of DVDs. Somewhere between 600 - 700 DVDs in my collection.
probably about 50..not counted em
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