I'd have to say hiding an abortion. It's wrong if it was his child and even worse if you cheated and got pregnant.
I think both situations are completely different and shouldn't be compared in such a situation. However, if someone in a relationship isn't honest with their mate, there is something wrong and it should be discussed.
Neither are acceptable but based on the cost of a human life, the hidden abortion would trump the cheating.
well both are wrong and should of spoken up(but as humans confessing could lead to divorce and all that follows,so by lying/keeping quiet we try to save our relationships ect.)comparing which is worse helps nothing,2 wrongs dont make right,and if both happened in the same relationship it seems the relationship is allready on rocky ground,think hard make a decision and the best of luck.
No comment.
Assuming the wife considers adultery to be the ultimate betrayal and the husband considers abortion to intentionally killing his child. . . if are the case, murder trumps betrayal.
They both sound sort of stupid to me. In either situation there is evidently a problem in the relationship. Hiding adultery is pretty bad if you plan to do it again. If it was a one off and you felt really guilty then I wouldn't tell - but if you just don't love your wife anymore then you shouldn't hide it. As for the abortion, simple fact is that a womans body is her own and no-one should be able to force her to continue an unwanted pregnancy. If you feel you need to hide it then I wonder what kind of sick relationship you would have with your husband!
It really depends on the circumstances. They are two very different things. However, I would be inclined to say the adultery would be worse (on either partner's part).
You're comparing apples to salmon, but I think either are grounds for divorce.
Which is worse, doing what I thought was right or my husbands infidelity? His cheating ... Maybe if he would of been faithful, I would of choose to have our child .. What, did you think I didn't know? ... Fool!
They're both high on the shitty scale. I would say the adultery outsux the abortion yo...
I'm gonna say that killing someone's child trumps anything else, including having sex with someone else.
That would depend on when she had the abortion, was it before they met? Was it his? Cheating, on the other hand was obviously wrong and it shows a lack of respect and a breaking of the trust, whether it was safe sex or not is irrelevant. But I think both show a lack of honesty in the realtionship and the two involved could do with a little counseling if they are going to save their relationship. DISCLAIMER: Any linked words contained in this answer are the responsibility of AB and its affiliates and nothign to do with me.
Not even close. As bad as adultery is, killing my kid would be far worse and I would never, ever forgive her. She would be history.
I have to say adultery is worse. Only because it could have effects on both people. The husband wouldnt contract anything from an abortion, but condoms are not 100% effective and the wife could get something from the cheating spouse.
Assuming the baby hadn't done anything to deserved to be killed, I say the abortion the is worse.
The abortion. Here's why: Abortion changes the lives of the parents forever since most kids outlive their parents. That's one less person to be there for them in their golden years, fewer or no grandchildren, no moments or years of pride of their child's accomplishments, weddings, graduations, etc. OTOH, adultery, if not confessed only leaves the guilty party with a bad conscience, but doesn't necessarily change the course of their future.
Since it was safe sex, the adultery is his body not hers. The abortion is her body not his. If they both just shut up, everything will be fine.
I think both are wrong, because they are acts of dishonesty. However, you asked which is worse. - I know I'll get blasted for this, but I think hiding the cheating is worse. My reasoning follows. - I think it is very unlikely that a woman will hide an abortion more than once. As I understand it, they are traumatic, both mentally and physically. In contrast, I think a partner that hides an affair from their spouse may become emboldened and eventually engage in more extramarital affairs. This means there will be continued dishonesty as well as a physical danger to both partners.
There's no issue either way. Nobody has the right to tell a woman or a man what to do with his/her own body, including their mate. Both people are exercising their right over their own body.
Abortion. Nothing could be worse than killing somebody's child.
Either one is a killing offense in a marriage. Why take the chance? be faithful to your partner and avoid the holiday rush of domestic violence.
Abortion is worse, because the woman supposedly has more rights than the unborn child or the husband in the matter, thanks to the industrialization and mass marketing of abortion. Abortion has been a problem since the beginning of documented history, and therefore probably before that too. The threat of abortion is today it is considered an "issue" and the abortion industry part of the medical community, when in the past as recently as the 1800s the medical community considered it a problem rather than someone's choice.
To me it's six of one & half a dozen of the other.
Lying is lying either way. The lies are equally destructive to the relationship. Either person might feel justified in lying, because they know the truth would only upset their spouse and not change what happened. But there's likely to be a feeling of betrayal when the truth comes out, as it tends to do. Neither lie is worse than the other.
Hiding an abortion is worse.
That's for the marriage counselor or divorce judge to decide.
i think theyre both equally bad
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