A nice little catchphrase the religious fanatics are going to be speculating about for millenia to come.
June 6 2006
It means it is a good size number.
its been in so many horror movies that i find it a bit ....... avoidable!
ya for some reason i have this 666 mark on the back of my head , think its a birthmark or something :P
Three identical positive integers.
means 15 points in rummy
I guess it means the satan number
A bad credit score.
Yes It the Number of the Beast, the number of the Man for that man is called AQUARIUS. (6x6x6)x10 = 2160 Its Pun Code
upside down 999 666=18=9
Yes. Those three 6's in sequence are part of my Employee ID.
nope, not a thing!
To me, no. But, in the Bible, the Book of Revelation cryptically asserts 666 to be "the number of a man," associated with the beast, an antagonistic creature that appears briefly about two-thirds into the apocalyptic vision. The calculation of the number was a challenge that has inspired many would-be mystics and prophets ever since. In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternately, the Devil. Earnest references to 666 occur both among apocalypses Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures, such as that surrounding some heavy metal bands. An appearance of the number 666 in contemporary Western art or literature is, more likely than not, an intentional reference to this number of the Beast symbolism. Such popular references to 666 are too numerous to list.
I know what it implies, but to me no it doesn't.
That's my car payment
No it don't mean anything to me. It is just numbers! +5
Nosmo King
That would make it 671.
The original brother of the 69.
yes..its the number that follows
I was told by my boys Iron Maiden that that is the number of the beast.
the devils number apparently
Some thinks otherwise but I think it could be sic sic sic- to the power of 3
That's the number that comes after 665 and before
That is the mark of the Beast. The Anti-Christ.
yeah 216 to 1 odds on a single dice throw. Should pay out 200 to 1.
You betcha. • 666 is 2/3 of 1000. If you extend the 6's and extend the 0's, 66666... / 100000... the limit is exactly 2/3. • Turn 666 upside-down and it's 999, or one less than 1000. If you turn WOW upside-down, it's MOM. Don't turn your MOM upside-down. It's not polite. • 666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers (i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666). •666 is the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers (i.e. 22 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132 + 172 = 666). • The sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel is 666. More here: Note: To make the link work you have to add the final character ")" manually in the address bar.
Wasn't there like 666 pages in the Koran or something to do with the Koran? More villification i'm sure to hide something. Like calling the right eye of Ra, the evil eye. Osara p.s.- wish i could remember that one tho'!
The number 666 makes my friend and me think of: ~~~~~~~Song title~~~~~~~~~~~~Artist~~~~~~~~~~~ The Grand Grimoire- God Dethroned Number of the Beast- Iron Maiden Satans Fall - Mercyful Fate Dead Again - Mercyful Fate 6:66 Satans Child - Danzig
must mean the flesh, 36 permutates in things dealing with real world things, a fan of man, have you?
If you are a Believer and have been redeemed, it does.
It means 999 upside down.
Neighbor of 667 .. or 665, depending:)
thats how many decades christians have been lying to you about a imaginary devil . ;-)
The devil's number.
it's the number of a man.... Revelation 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Yeah, it's a tad more than a year
I heard that numbers like 666, 222, 333, etc are angel numbers Your angels are trying to tell you something, also this number back on 6/6/06 killed me, in the lottery came out 666, 2x 6606, 660. could have died when i saw that, because we had some banner for and ad go up which gave the number 6/6/06 back then. before all this came out, couldn't cash in
It is the number I am glad I will not get. The mark of the beast.
Indeed...Thanks, Rick. -
Rick Myres
You're welcome and thanks back at ya for your answer
It's a number associated with the Antichrist.
Yes it is....This is a very old question that I don't even remember asking...Thanks, Linda : ) -
Linda Joy
A bunch of mine have been coming back around too. I know sometimes people go looking in the categories and find old questions and when they answer them it will put them back in the questions list. But some of mine don't even have new answers. -
Linda Joy
Ok I see rooruu. That person has been digging up a lot of old questions. Tons of them. That's probably how this question got back into the list. I'm glad though. I'm seeing questions I've never seen before.
Well I guess being a Christian it is the Devil's number?? Idek, I haven't even read the whole Bible but I thought I heard it was in there??
It is only a number.
its the rnark of the beast
It is the number one gets when he applies Gematria tot he full name of Drusus Germanicus Neron Caesar Imperator.
666 is the number of Nero Caesar and the Antichrist. It is an antithetical parallelism of the threefold repetition of 777 that represents the Trinity.
2 x 3 x 3 x 37
oddly enough this time around I didn't recognize it. Duh!
Yes, it's 18 times 37.
6 is the # of man, 3 of them is man is God. As God’s # is 3.. it is descriptive of secular humanism, now prevalent in the world today, especially America.
It is the number of the name of the beast. The beast is all about mind control. He cannot control your mind if he cannot say what you are thinking. From experience he cannot say “hot glue sticks”
Not really. It's just a number.
The earliest manuscripts of Revelation refer to 616 as the number of man. This was later mistranslated to 666. So, to me, the number represents much ado over a misunderstanding.
Here's a story, my partner was trying to work out measurements the other day, so he told me to use my calculator on my mobile, and I added up these numbers and the answer came out "sin 6.666666666666666666," no kidding, I should of taken a photo.
It's between 665 and 667.
the devils phone number
Its not a mathematical representation. Its a series of curly lines. It could be hair follicles or any kind of circles dangling from lines.
Nothing special, religious superstition. :)
I know what other people think it means, but to me, it's meaningless. It's merely a number.
Yes! 666 is June 1966, the month and year that I graduated from junior high school
only a number
I dunno about that one, but a long time ago I recall hearing 3 is a magic number.
No. It’s just a number but I do know religious weirdos think it’s the number of a made up character called the devil because they are delusional people. They can’t prove their point in their claims they initiate about some made up character they are stupid enough to believe in.
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