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You can start by making love to her emotionally outside of the bedroom. Touch her as you walk past her, walk up behind her and kiss the back of her neck, tell her how beautiful she is, ask her if she needs help, gaze at her... If you can increase her libido this way... your chances for having sex more then once a week will increase...
Rocket's answer was a good start... but are you really doing excellent foreplay, taking a long time to give her several orgasms before you start satisfying yourself? She'd want you all the time if the sex was red hot for her!
Those are good answers and definitely worth a try. Some people however just have lower sex drives than others, so keep trying but it might not be easy to change.
she could be going through menopaus and feeling abit off sex, ask her what she needs ?
The more I like someone and the more orgasms I have with him the more I want to be with him.
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