I think that's silly. Humans are quite capable of eating raw meat. I eat raw fish in the form of sushi and sashimi, some friends of mine like raw oysters, etc. As long as the meat isn't spoiled or full of intestinal parasites, it's fine to eat and a good source of protein.
I think it's an opinion not based in fact. We eat raw meat just fine - steak tartare, sushi, oysters, ceviche, etc.
We eat sushi,steak tartare etc
Humans can eat raw meat. What makes you think we can't?
Yeah...we really need our current tooth configuration for a no-meat diet. Sheesh. Try another false premise if you wish, but you'll likely get the same results.
I think it is bologna.
Agreed. The ancestral diet of humans would have been nuts , seeds and berries. We wouldnt have know how to hunt at the start. Therefore meat came later.
That is BS. I eat raw beef frequently. I have also eaten kibbe made with raw lamb and venison tartare. Pork and poultry are not generally eaten raw out of sanitary considerations, but your body could digest them perfectly well.
number one some ppl eat raw meat...and number two we are animals 2....and animals eat other animals....and three we have fire and a capable brain to cook !
See, there's a funny thing about facts. You actually have to show where you got the facts instead of just claiming "this is shown by the fact."
'unlike other carnivores' - meaning that we ARE carnivores.
Im sorry, where did you get that from lol Its true, that we originally did not consume meat as our primary source for food. But the fact is that humans can eat and digest raw meat very well, in fact there are restaurant/s that serve just raw meat.
Hmmmmm.....odd....I eat raw meat. Guess I'm not human.
Cooked meat tastes better anyway.
"Humans are not supposed to eat meat, this is shown by the fact that we cant eat raw meat unlike other carnivores. What do u think of this" Have you ever seen Man Vs. Wild. Bear Grylls eats all kinds of raw meat.
Raw meat is only bad for us when it's processed certain ways, like ground beef. The way it's processed allows for certain contaminants, so it has to be cooked to be safe. Steak, on the other hand, is not processed this way, so it's really not a problem to eat raw steak. It's just that most people in western culture have a taste for cooked meat.
I think it is nonsense. Our bodies can cope with eating fresh raw meat, we choose not to because it isn't practical and our palets have gotten used to the taste and texture of cooked. Cooking is so that the meat doesn't have to be so fresh and is for practical (storage and logistics) economic and social reasons. In addition our canine teeth are designed/were evolved (delete for your religious preference) for the very purpose of ripping raw flesh from the bone. Besides we are not carnivores. We are omnivores. However, just because we can eat meat, doesn't mean we should eat it all the time or even that we have to at all.
Sushi & Sashimi??? Also humans have incisors and canines, teeth adapted to eat MEAT.
Some animals require consumption of stones to help grind the types of foods they eat. That does not mean all animals cannot eat because they don't swallow stones. The question is nonsequitor. Having teeth allows some preprocessing of food prior to introduction to the digestive system. Cooking the food helps break it down faster, allows humans to simplify their digestive system, converting the food into energy and fat much quicker.
I agree. We also have grinding teeth, not teeth for ripping flesh. We are probably meant to eat fish though.
OC Joe
Wrong. Humans have teeth called canines because they are similar to the two large teeth dogs have to rip meat. We can use our's the same way.
if that being the case why do we have teeth designed to eat both meat and plant, I thought thats what are ancestors ate was meat during the last Ice Age; before you say, "yeah because we had to" consider the function of your hands, they evolved to out of necessity to pick up a rock or a stick and kill something because were the weakest species of animals; humans chose to grow our own grain along with livestock because grain can be stored for long periods of time; we were supposed to eat all the above.
The premise of your question is incorrect. Humans are omnivores.
Good question. I've always wondered this myself. I have no answer for you. sorry.
We used to be able to, before we discovered fire. Our appendixes used to help us gain enough nutrients from plants, but they don't work now.
In the beginning man only ate fruits and vegis, it was after the flood that God told man that he could eat animals too. This was becaue of the enviromental change, and lack of edible vegitation. (Gen. 1:29-30&9:2-3)
Arteriosclerosis is also caused by animal products. That doesn't stop most from eating rotting flesh. Those that don't care they are making animals suffer are normally too conditioned to think for themselves.
Exactly and this has been proven by The China Study, led by T. Colin Campbell Ph.D, that even small introductions of animal proteins into the human diet would lead to cancers, heart disease and many other meat related diseases. Humans are the only animals that deliberately defy what nature has intended for them to consume. No other creatures smoke harmful cigarrettes, sniff cocaine and take other harmful drugs. It is, therefore, not surprising that although animal flesh does the human body a lot of harms and results in a shorter life expectancy, yet they obstinately defy what is truly designed for their body - a plant based diet. The China Study : Part1 Part2 Part3
Take my meat from me and you might as well eat me cause I would die of starvation
Really why do we have cainines and eyes in the front of our heads, like other predators?
I don't think I agree with the logic of your statement. Does it also follow that we should not have pure water or a clean shelter because million don't? +5
That's BS. I have eaten raw meat many times. I don't do it any longer because of all the crap they feed the animals but I used to eat it a lot and so did my dad. Ever heard of a "Cannibal Sandwich?" or "Steak Tartar?" What do you think those incisors are for?
I think it's a bunch of bull
I think all of the answers here have pretty much established that you're wrong in your assumption.
Even if that's true, we can eat cooked meat.
I have eaten raw meat and will say that the digestion of this was easier than cooked. I also was a vegetarian for 10 years and my body adapted to this after a year. We are adaptable and versatile creatures.
Who eats raw meat?
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