Bacon may not cure it, but it will make it better!
Not the swine flu!!!! but cures my craving for a mean BLT
The grease helps to lube creaky joints. That is what I tell myself.
My grandma used to say you could put a piece on a boil and it would come to a head. I love sexy answers. ~~~
I don't know, but I least don't feel hungry after eating it, so I guess it cures something.
I've heard of "Cured" Bacon .... Never heard of bacon curing anything .... I've heard of the fat causing folks to gain weight .. And; I've heard that the fat ect causes higher Cholestrol and clogged arteries .... BUT: I KNOW that it taste pretty darn good on toast with tomatoe, lettuce, and mayo .... !!
Well I don't know how believable this is, and it isn't "curing" anything, but according to this website: "My research has found that three strips of crispy, mouthwatering bacon every morning can actually reduce cholesterol and help slow the aging process," the awesome Gruber said. "What's more, the bacon's positive effects are enhanced when combined with milk shakes and/or marijuana."
It can sure cure hunger pains and even saddness a little...
It just might! ;-) According to the first minute of this video; it can cure hangovers! (It explains why and how)
As Her Majesty, we chortled at the pun you so graciously made use of in your query. You have our thanks.
Yeah if you are Jewish you can rub the grease on your skin to protect you from the swine flu.
My occasional craving for something fat and salty.
It cures hunger pains for me....
It cures the problem of skinny thighs. Should anyone have that problem, I might have to hate you :)
Just hunger.
An Empty Stomach
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