paprika garlic salt onion salt oregano sage rosemary thyme parsley salt black pepper ginger - work out your own quantities - approx. equal proportions - you can add some brown sugar too - the sweetness brings out the spices and flavour. Make a seasoned flour using above - using approx. 1 teaspoon of each spice to approx. 3 cups flour and 3 tablespoons brown sugar. Dip chicken in beaten egg and dip into seasoned flour, and then deep fry. Enjoy your KFC!!!
Researchers for "The Big Book of Big Secrets" found an employee at KFC who was willing to sneak them a sample of the seasonings used there to prepare chicken. (She also verified that the food wasn't prepared before arriving at the restaurant, i.e. nothing was already on it.) They tested it themselves to find out what exactly was in the assortment of powders, and found... drum roll please... Salt, pepper, flour, and MSG. Who knows what the original recipe was, but this appears to be what they're using now. You can question the integrity of my source, of course, but as the recipe for KFC's chicken is meant to be a secret, it's exactly as reliable as any other source you're going to find. Here's Amazon's link for the book: jarvis: Uh . . . you are correct, that's four, not eleven. I'm telling you what was apparently found by those who tested KFC's seasonings; I have no reason to believe that it should conform to what KFC's marketing department says is in their chicken.
No idea on that side of things, but KFC pressure cooks the chicken before the deep fry, that is why the chooks so soft to bite in.
Its totaly yummy fatty oil! :)My fat Butt is proof :)
I've heard from a Canadian source that it is simply powdered French onion soup mix, which they buy in bulk.
sodium oxybate is one
its actually a mixture of herbs and spices dating back to when KFC was originally made up, no matter how hard you try with the spices and what not you have to have the proper mixture and treatmeant to make original chicken, nothing other than that can come true go to any KFC and ask they will tell you its a hidden secret
I worked at a KFC for four years and I dont know as the mix came in a bag without listing the ingredients. I can tell you though, that there is salt and pepper in it.
The thing about trade secrets is that they are protected by the company and the law.
i Heard the secret recipe was duplicating the chickens but notexactly sure if that is true.
This tastes almost EXACTLY LIKE original recipe... kentuky fried chicken was my 1st job as a teen in the 70's...after 30 years i have duplicated the ORIGINAL original recipe.. to flour, add a good tablespoon of each: salt white pepper then 2 teaspoons of poultry seasoning and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. mix 1 egg with one cup of milk soak chicken in milk mixture for 10 minutes.roll in flour , deep fry in pressure cooker 375 degrees for 16 minutes or pan fry on 350 deg for 12 mins each side or deep fry strips until golden brown and delicious. FYI the original recipe also had MSG but i dont like to use it anymore due to some peoples sensitivities to it. the "secret" is nutmeg and the herbs are in the poultry seasoning, the spices are the salt and pepper. there is no onion or garlic powder in the original recipe.
1. Basil 2. Chipotle Chile 3. Chives 4. Cloves 5. Dill 6. Marjoram 7. Mustard 8. Nutmeg 9. salt 10. Oregano 11. red pepper I changed my answer even though it isn't as humous as I first one I posted because as it appears I had offended someone. The spices listed are a mere guess as the real herbs and spices are not publically known.
From my reading there are not actually 11 herbs & spices at all. It is just a marketing line. I understand that the coating contains MSG, salt, pepper and flour. Of course I could be wrong as this is highly sensitive commercial information and you can bet that anyone who would know would be sued within an inch of their lives if they told.
Here's a copycat recipe. The 11 herbs and spices are real. Half of the spices are packaged at two different locations. Or at least they used to be. That way, not even the packagers knew all 11 spices. 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon onion salt 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon rubbed sage 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground oregano 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon basil leaves, crushed 1 teaspoon marjoram leaves, crushed finely
I worked two years in high school at KFC and later in a factory that made dehydrated hash browns. The spices were very similar. 2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon MSG (optional) 1. 2 teaspoons salt 2. 1 teaspoon white pepper 3. 1 teaspoon black pepper 4. 1/8 teaspoon rosemary 5. 1/8 teaspoon thyme 6. 1/8 teaspoon marjoram 7. 1/8 teaspoon basil 8. 1/8 teaspoon savory 9. 1/8 teaspoon sage 10. 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 11. 1/4 teaspoon onion powder Walmart brand poultry seasoning is very close for items 4 thru 9 and a teaspoon of that is Ok. The chicken is dipped in a milk and egg dip before it is breaded. Use a pressure fryer, they are becoming more popular for turkeys and available for around $100. The chicken was browned to the color you wanted and then sealed and cooked for about 10 minutes after it started to steam. The old KFC used beef shortening to fry with and the chicken was never frozen, it came packed in ice. The chicken was cut into 9 pieces, two wings, legs, ribs, thighs and one keel or breast. The chicken was prepped by removing any fat, twisting off the tails and cracking the thigh so the heat would penetrate into the thigh. Drain the chicken after frying either on a rack or on paper towels keep warm and serve. The chicken was the least greasy if served after about 1/2 hour after cooking. I would have to dispute the claim that the flour used by the Colonel only consisted of 4 ingredients. There was definitely rosemary and thyme in the original recipe flour. They did use another flour for the extra crispy which could be what was tested.
feathers, intestines, claws, beaks, the poo, eyes, dust mites, sand, some salt, some pepper, and maybe a few steroids.
Take a look at the following recipe from CopyKat Recipes.,com_rapidrecipe/page,viewrecipe/Itemid,28/recipe_id,1013/
I could tell you but as the old joke goes then I'd have to kill you. But I have heard or read that no one person knows everything in it so even they couldn't duplicate it.
i grew up in ky and can tell you common used spices but not sure if there right for kfc. 1salt 2 pepper 3 paprika 4 cyanne pepper 5 ground dried cerey 6 all spice 7 sage 8cummin 9 garlic cant get 11 but these are all common used in southern fried foods
I worked for KFC for 22 years and know for a fact none of you are close except for the salt, pepper, garlic and all spice. LOL cyanne pepper man do you know what happens when you combine ground pepper and cayenne pepper, it makes a hot taste and KFC orginal didn't taste a bit hot Popeye's chicken did that
I think all 11 of them are salt.
1 sea salt 1/2 teaspoon finely ground 2 ground pepper 1 teaspoon 3 paprika 1/4 teaspoon 4 onion powder 1/2 teaspoon 5 garlic powder 1 teaspoon 6 ground celery 1/2 teaspoon 7 all spice 1/4 teaspoon 8 sage 1/4 teaspoon 9 cummin 1/4 teaspoon 10 ginger 1/4 teaspoon 11 ground turmeric 1/4 teaspoon 12* 4 cups of flour Heat a pressure cooker with 8 cups of cranola oil (for 6 quart) to about 400 degrees/ if its a programable pressure cooker use the brown setting to preheat it to 400 Now whip 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of milk together and dip your chicken pieces into it and then bread them with the flour mixture Once the oil is hot start placing your breaded chicken into the cooker entil its oil only raises to 2 inches below the rim and once done filling it let cook for 10 to 12 minutes. Then place the lid on your cooker sealed and once steam starts to rise from the pressure relive valve then cook for 10 minutes more and remove from heat or uplug your cooker and slowly relieve its pressure and open to serve your homebrewed KFC Chicken. By The Way Extra Crispy chicken is marinated over night and then deep fried the next day. It's marinate is salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and a touch of sage. The breading is the same as the original but is breaded directly from the marinate (no egg or milk dip) and then its deep fried Also that great gravey you get at KFC is made from the pressure cooker drippings, just sift out the breading dropings and make your gravey. And if I told you how we used to make the coleslaw, you would never ever eat at a KFC again.
Ingredients 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon onion salt 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon rubbed sage 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground oregano 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon basil leaves, crushed 1 teaspoon marjoram leaves, crushed finely Directions 1Combine all ingredients as listed in a small jar with a tight fitting lid (baby food jars work good). Shake mixture to combine. Stores for months. Keep out of direct sunlight, heat and humidity. 2(makes about 1/3 cup) 3To Use: 4Mix together 4 teaspoons mixture, 1 cup flour, 2 Tbls. packed light brown sugar and 1 teaspoons salt. Place in a doubled plastic food bag and add chicken to coat. Fry, drain on paper towels, serve!
The answer is THREE not four or eleven. Flour is not neither herb nor spice. Also, these THREE were discovered in a lab by William Poundstone.
Salt,salt and more salt.
fat, lard, crap, some poor tortured beast that has never seen the light of day, salt, turds, environmentally disasterous practices, steroids, some pepper and a nice pinch of nutmeg. Lord, go eat some real chicken.
This is the one I used for years starting back in 1970. It comes out like the spicy ORIGINAL secret herb recipe. I don't think the current chicken tastes anything like it used to. 1 tablespoon rosemary 1 tablespoon oregano 1 tablespoon powdered sage 1 teaspoon powdered ginger 1 teaspoon majoram 1 1/2 teaspoon thyme 3 tablespoons packed brown sugar 3 tablespoons dry minced parsley 1 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon paprika 2 tablespoons garlic salt 2 tablespoons onion salt 2 tablespoons powdered chicken bouillon 1 package Lipton tomato cup of soup mix (You must include this. It won't be the same without it.)
To reduce costs and increase their "bottom line", it wouldn't be surprising to find that KFC has lessened the number of ingredients to only those necessary to produce a flavor similar to the original recipe. Everyone knows "quality assurance" doesn't factor in for any business anymore. Whatever be the case, you can rule out MSG as being part of the original recipe. MSG wasn't used in the US until the late 1940's, while the secret recipe was created in 1940. Other "later" ingredients such as crushed bullion and soup mix can be discarded, too. These obviously weren't available in 1940, either.
i dont know them a put cocaine must be in there cause im addicted to it (kfc not cocaine)
The eleven secret herbs and spices aren't in the chicken at all. They were in the original gravy recipe that Colonel med. When he sold the company in the seventies he was quoted as saying how the new owners had turned his gravy into slop.
who knowes its a secret i heard that the cornel dont even know cause its not his resapie he steel it from his mom and she never tell no one its probley somthing simple salt pepper amd some bred crums
Army Veteran
Not true. He experimented with the ingredients until he got the end result. He used his daughter as a taste-tester until she told him to stop fooling with it - it tasted good just the way it was (the final recipe). It stayed that way ever since. He actually wrote it on the kitchen wall (now the KFC Museum in Corbin, Ky) where he was formulating it, but I don't think it's visible anymore.
If the recipe is locked up in a safe somewhere, then how do they make it?
I heard that only two people can know.
Paprika garlic powder onion salt dried oregano rubbed sage powered rosemary powered thyme parsley salt black pepper nutmeg
Just go to KFC and buy some! You know it's better than yours! Plus it's cheaper and quicker. viva la capitolism!
I worked for the Original Kentucky Fried Chicken (Pre 1987) when the chicken and the flour mix were prepped at the restaurant, so here is what we mixed: We did use flour, but not self rising flour, it had the same texture and taste as bisquick, therefore I suggest using bisquick pancake mix but non self rising flour will work too. for a single chicken use 3 cups of flour or bisquick plus the following: (By the way there are more than 11 herbs and spices. The rumor of 11 spices is a rouse, and used to confuse the surrounding chicken houses in the Corbin, Ky. area and was leaked out after rebuilding the original Sander’s Court and Café by this time Sander’s was one of the most popular chicken houses in the south thanks to Duncan Hines Adventures in Good Eating listings) 1 tablespoon paprika 2 teaspoons dried chervil 1 teaspoon tarragon 1/2 teaspoon sage 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon garlic salt 1 tablespoon onion powder 2 tablespoons dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1/4 teaspoon celery salt 2 tablespoons salt 2 TBS dried tomato soup mix (Yes, a standard tomato soup mix) I use Lipton's 1 tablespoon white sugar Directions: Blend all of the ingredients for the coating in a blender. The fried chicken coating is enough for a whole chicken, cut up and soak the chicken pieces in buttermilk for at least one hour in the refrigerator. Remove chicken from buttermilk and roll in the chicken coating mixture above. Let chicken sit at room temperature while waiting for the oil to get hot. Most people do not have a pressure fryer, but a Big Dady deep fryer will work, use Beef cooking lard or shortening.
Mutated chickens
it wouldn't be a SECRET RECIPE if it was known by the masses hun.
Its deepfried chicken in breadcrumbs but I have heard from someone who worked in KFC that there is something in it that makes you get addicted to it.
Step 1: Get into car. Step 2: Drive to nearest KFC. Step 3: Order chicken, original recipe. Viola!
eating the fried kfc chickens are not goood for health
3 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon paprika 2 teaspoon garlic salt 2 teaspoons onion salt 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried rubbed sage 1/2 teaspoon dried powdered rosemary 1/2 teaspoon dried powdered thyme 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper Combine all ingredients. I like to double coat my chicken for extra crispy flavor and texture. Kentucky Fried Chicken is loved across the country and there are many recipes online that try to duplicate the great taste of Colonel Sanders tasty treats. **Use Crisco shortening versus vegetable oil, I find that Crisco tends to do a better job at cooking the chicken. Adjust the recipe as you see fit tweaking ingredients until your happy with the results.
Hello everyone! Yes, I know the terrible secrets behind KFC too, but I just love those beaks, claws and rat tasty! Once I accidentally made some fried chicken with spices my friend had on hand and there is one KEY spice that made it taste like KFC, everyone was wild about it, I didn't write it down, my friend doesn't remember so I am just trying to find that one key spice....anyone? Oh btw, our family likes to buy the free range chickies...we don't eat at KFC now but when we were growing up in Texas, it was a staple on Sundays!
Hello everyone! Yes, I know the terrible secrets behind KFC too, but I just love those beaks, claws and rat tasty! Once I accidentally made some fried chicken with spices my friend had on hand and there is one KEY spice that made it taste like KFC, everyone was wild about it, I didn't write it down, my friend doesn't remember so I am just trying to find that one key spice....anyone? Oh btw, our family likes to buy the free range chickies...we don't eat at KFC now but when we were growing up in Texas, it was a staple on Sundays!
It's love...the only secret recipe is love...11 big doses of it
More than two people know the right answer to the 11 secret herbs and spices. Counting the one's that have passed away, Margret Sanders the Colonel's daughter was the first to know other than the Colonel, because she was the "chief taste Tester" when it was being developed. The Colonel's second wife Claudia knows the secret. Sanders' personal secretary, Shirley Topmiller put the recipe in type written form. If she remembered it or past it along is unknown. In 1964 Kentucky Fried Chicken was sold to Jack Massey (money bags) and John Y. Brown, Jr, for Two million dollars, a fraction of what it was worth and they knew the secret herbs and spices. The two new owners started modifying the recipe using cheaper spices and changing and leaving out some of the ingredients. John Y. Brown,Jr was quoted as saying "I really did not care about the recipe because, I really am not going to use it." The "real" fried chicken was almost gone forever, except for the daughter's state of Florida franchie, that was not part of the sale to the new owners, and now the original fried chicken is still most likly available in Florida since the business was pasted on to her children since they also know the 11 secret herbs and spices. KFC was sold six years later to the Canadian company Heublein for 284 million dollars. Later the Settle family while cleaning a house they had bought in Kentucky that the Colonel had lived in, found a hand written recipe with 11 ingredents. So as you can see many people have had access to the 11 secret herbs and spices and a "leak" could have happen somewhere. When the Colonel got the idea to use a pressure cooker to speed the cooking down to 7 to 10 minutes the fried chicken did not taste as good. That is how the 11 secret herbs and spices got started in the first place. Interesting though the answer is almost out there, but it is extremely hard to find. I will give you two hints. Use quality sea salt and black pepper. I'm thinking that since the recipe was pasted from the Colonel to Mr Brown Jr. , who did not really care for it, to Heublein and then to yum! Brands something may have been lost along the way. They say they have it, but maybe they do not. They talk big but maybe that is just because of big marketing and business. The very few that know the original recipe are not talking. Good luck, eat at KFC when in Florida and keep Colonel Harland and Margaret Sanders' dream alive in your own kitchen. I was a good friend of Margaret and knew her two children, but never met the Colonel, except through her. She talked about him alot. Margaret knew so many famous people so I was only a minor friend. We would attend the annual stock holders meeting in Canada together. Why she flew commercial and not in the company plane I will never know. Her son was a pilot. The pressure cooker is not necessary to get the taste. So far I have counted 10 (or more) that know the recipe 3 dead, Roger Eaton eat your heart out. "Stick your finger in the dike".
its locked in a bunker in area 51
Chevron, You're correct that only two at Heublein know and each claim to know half of the recipe spices. It is possible that the correct spices were never given to the Heublein Company even though they claim they have it. If they know they do not use the Colonel's spices today.
Yes the secret has slipped. Dedrick (CE0) with Heublin said, "It ( the secret) has not slipped, (He is wrong), because, He (the Colonel) would not let that happen." While that is very true he (The Cononel) could not totally control his daughter, Margaret ( Although best he tried ). I was a good friend with Mararet the Cononel's daughter (she had many friends and knew many famous people ) and after I had ask her at least ten times or more I promised her I would not revel it and I would use it in my kitchen only ( I was well off at the time as was she so we related very well ). She finally told me the "the secret". I have it and as promised to her I will not revel it. I use it my kitchen and give it to my neighbors at no cost and enjoy it myself, without the deep fry presser cooker, crispy and very good. You can not get this except maybe in Florida and I am not really sure of that any more. "Loose lips sink ships".
At first the Colonel used just salt and pepper when he fried chicken in his small restuarant. As I have said when he went to the presser cooker to cut down the frying time the chicken did not taste as good. That started the research for better flavoring. He came up with the 11 herbs and spices by "trial and error". His daughter was the family chief taster. You can do the same thing with the same method and may come up with something even better.
Flour, salt, and MSG.
No MSG because the Original Recipe Strips do not have MSG. The boned chicken does have MSG, but there are other ingredients (like flour), in addition to the 11 secret herbs/spices.
The good Colonel went around the hills of Kentucky selling his recipe out of the back of his station wagon. Now, where in that area would you get 11 herbs and spices? The answer was very simple: the Colonel found out that he could buy a packet of Good Seasons Italian salad oil mix, and it had 11 herbs and spices. Only instead of mixing it with oil, he mixed the powder with flour and Viola! Kentucky Fried Chicken was born. What people dont realize is, the real "secret" was the Colonel could buy blemished chickens, ones with warts, etc. that couldnt be sold in a store because they looked so bad. Nothing wrong with them, but farmers would sell the blemished ones to a feed mill for a nickel apiece to be ground into animal feed. The colonel offered them 10 cents apiece, knowing that once coated in his "secret" recipe and cooked, they all tasted great and the coating covered the blemishes. So for 10 cents, the colonel could sell you 3 pieces and a side for 1.75, not a bad profit and that was the real secret!
PS If you will get a package of Good Seasons Italian Salad dressing mix and mix the package with one pound of flour and coat your chicken with it, then pressure-cook it (pressure-cooking is faster which is the name of the game in fast-food) you will find you have perfect Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Start with flour 1. salt 2. pepper 3. celery salt 4. dry mustard 5. paprika 6. oregano 7. garlic salt 8. meat tenderizer 9. ginger 10. thyme 11. sweet basil
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you by beating you over the head with a frozen chicken leg, or by slowly putting you to death with high cholesterol.
gambler your the best. my cast iron dutch oven is on the way..
SHUTUP GAMBLER--what the heck makes you an authority on the 11 herbs and spices?? Also you have no right to insult someone else's spelling. It's subtle not suttle--gee you must be a very sad lonely person--I hope you find those spices. Loser
SHUTUP GAMBLER--what the heck makes you an authority on the 11 herbs and spices?? Also you have no right to insult someone else's spelling. It's subtle not suttle--gee you must be a very sad lonely person--I hope you find those spices. Loser
they include: 1.salt 2.white pepper 3.msg 4.thyme 5.rosemarry 6.sage 7.majoram 8.cinnamon 9.cloves 10.brown sugar 11.cumin
There's tarragon in it. I don't usually like that seasoning (I trashed some otherwise great beef stew by putting it in to try something different)but it works in the bird. Otherwise the list on here is close. Nobody that will tell really knows. It doesn't really taste like it use to, so maybe they changed the recipe. There's a chicken recipe that the Exxon Express in Charlotte, N.C. on Providence Road that taste close to the old KFC. They'll probably give you that recipe if you ask, and it's great!
This is what my mother used: (Don't know if the quantities are correct) 1/8 tsp basil 1 tsp black pepper 1/8 tsp celery seed 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp ground cloves 2 cups flour 1/8 tsp marjoram 1 tsp MSG 1/8 tsp rosemary 1/8 tsp rubbed sage 1/8 1 tsp salt 1/8 tsp thyme This should be enough for 1 chicken I forgot to ask her but I think it was a dry dip. I guess I'll have to ask.
- Like Coca-Cola, KFC secures its recipe in a bank vault. This one is somewhere in Louisville, Kentucky. To ensure that spice vendors don't know the formula, the secret blend of eleven herbs and spices is mixed at two different locations and then combined elsewhere with the aid of an IBM processing system. All this technology, secrecy and security for a formula that used to be mixed by KFC's founder, Colonel Harland Sanders, on the concrete floor of his own backyard porch. Poundstone lists his version version of this well-kept secret recipe. He claims to have obtained a sample of the coating from a KFC employee, and then to have had it analyzed by a laboratory. What he found was shocking--only four ingredients: Salt, ground black pepper, flour and MSG (monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer). But it wasn't just the ingredients that made the Colonel's Southern Fried Chicken so special. To speed up the cooking process, Harlan Sanders thought to use a "new-fangled device" he first saw demonstrated in the 1930's. He found that frying the chicken with a pressure cooker took half as long, while locking in moisture that keeps the chicken juicy. Using Poundstone's list of four ingredients and a pressure cooker, Todd developed a recipe published in Top Secret Recipes that I thought tasted just like the "Finger-lickin' good" original. When I asked Ms. Litterst what she thought of the recipe, she insisted it is different from the original and that "the actual recipe does include eleven herbs and spices."
Hello, I've been trying to work this one out. I've come up with the following and hope The_Gambler will give me some good feedback. Add to 2c. cake flour: 2t. salt, 2t. black pepper, 1 t. celery salt 1/8 t. ea. turmeric, parsley, sage, thyme, marjoram, oregano and basil 3/4 t. paprika 1/2 t. cinnamon Marinate clean, trimmed chicken pieces overnight in heavily salted apple cider. Pat dry; coat with plain flour, dip in egg wash; dredge in seasoned flour. Brown chicken then place on rack in a baking sheet and finish in oven at 300 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
oops. sorry for double posting...this site is not very intuitive to navigate!
1/ Sage 2/ Coriander 3/ Cloves 4/ Tarragon 5/ Rosemary 6/ Cinnamon 7/ Celery Seed 8/ Savory 9/ Black pepper 10/ Salt 11/ Sugar
The quest here is to find the 11 secret herbs and spices. "What are the eleven secret herbs and spices in KFC original recipe chicken?". If you found them I am saying you would be very disappointed. I did an experiment. I made up fried chicken with the 11 secret herb and spices for 16 men and one woman like the original before 1954 expect I made it extra crispy. They all said it was good but said Popeye's and Church's is better. I think they (KFC) were successful because they were the only national fast food chain that served fried chicken in the early 1950's. Now I use 1/2 teaspoon of the original and jazz it up with cayenne pepper, lemon pepper, cajun seasoning, extra mint and almond extract, or anything else I might think of. Much much better. Only one of the 17 testers likes KFC today compared to the others.
The quest at this site is to find the 11 secret herbs and spices. What are the eleven secret herbs and spices in KFC original recipe chicken? I am telling you if you found it you would be very disappointed. I think the reason Kentucky Fried Chicken worked in the early '50's is because there was no other national chain operating except for some Mom and Pop's in isolated areas. I made the original and shared it with 17 people, but made it extra crispy. They all said it was ok but Popeye's and Church's is better. Now I use the original 11 at home, about 1/2 teaspoon and jazz it up with things like cayenne pepper, cajun seasonings, lemmon pepper, some extra almond and mint extract, or anything I think to put in. My batter is close to freezing and I put in baking soda and baking powder just before frying to make the chicken extra crispy. Much much better than the "real" original. One of the testers still likes today's KFC.
In a documentary it was stated that regular flower was not used. It was said that a sweeter baking type flower was used. Any ideas on this?
Here is my best attempt at the "original" 11 so far: 1/ 2 tsp Salt 2/ 1 1/2 tsp Black Pepper 3/ 1/4 tsp Rosemary 4/ 1/4 tsp Thyme 5/ 1/4 tsp Savory 6/ 1/4 tsp Tarragon 7/ 1/8 tsp Cloves 8/ 1/8 tsp Cinnamon 9/ 1/8 tsp Mustard seed 10/ 1/8 tsp Celery seed 11/ 1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper In addition to these spices, add: 2 teaspoons sugar 3 teaspoons MSG Grind ingredients and mix with 1 cup of flour. *I am not sure if salt, sugar and msg count as spices or not, but there it is! I hope The_Gambler can respond to this? Thanks in advance!
mr gambler, have you heard of marion kay spice co.? how about 99x?
basil, black pepper, celery seed, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, thyme, savory, ginger, cayenne, tarragon. plus elements ie: msg, salt, sugar. based on your previous disclosures this has to be correct gambler. unless youre just a bull s***er, which i suspect is highly likely. you dont even seem to understand how important the pressure cooker was to sanders product regarding taste. in fact, why dont you post all ingredients except one, that way you get to keep your word to mrs. margaret, and we only need to find the one missing ingredient. do i smell a fraud? maybe youre the one with low self esteem and you need this little forum to make yourself "feel superior". damn....i think i scared him off. p.s., i just learned mrs. margaret died in 2001, or thereabouts. my condolences to the family.
My Grandfather used to use this recipe which he said was the Colonel's -- 2 Cups of Flour 1 1/2 tsp Salt 2 tsp Black Pepper 1/2 tsp Cayenne or Red Pepper 1/8 tsp Tarragon 1 tsp Brown Sugar 1 tsp MSG 1/2 tsp Cinnamon 1/8 tsp Ground Cloves 1/4 tsp Thyme 1/4 tsp Basil 1/4 tsp Dried Parsley Cut all spices together on a marble or concrete slab, and gradually mix into the flour. Let set for at least 1 day to allow flour to absorb spices. Cut up 1 chicken and dip in cooking oil. Then slowly roll each chicken piece in spiced flour mixture. Place each piece on platter and allow to set up for a few minutes. Re-dip each piece into cooking oil, then roll in spiced flour again. Place each piece on clean platter and allow to set up for a few minutes. Heat cooking oil and slowly brown each piece of chicken until golden brown. Place on paper on platter until all pieces are done browning. Heat 1/4 cup of same cooking oil in pressure cooker. Carefully add chicken, then cover and seal. Bring to pressure and cook for ten minutes. Release pressure, and remove chicken pieces to paper covered platter. Let sit for a few minutes to set up coating. Chicken is ready to serve when no oil remains dripping. Gambler, I don't know if my Grandfather got the measurements correct, so if you could adjust them I would appreciate it. Also, I noticed that you used almond and mint extract in some of your chicken recipes. Did the Colonel every experiment with mint in his original recipe? Also, how would you adjust this recipe to bake the chicken, rather than frying it? Thanks for your help.
I heard that its very similar to Good Seasons Italian Dressing.
Assuming that (a) the person called The_Gambler has spoken the truth and nothing but the truth, and (b) salt and brown sugar count among the eleven, the list is: 1. salt 2. brown sugar 3. black pepper 4. red pepper 5. monosodium glutamate 6. cloves 7. basil 8. terragon 9. thyme 10. oregano 11. rosemary I'm not about to guess or deduce the proportions, but except for several inconsistent statements about cayenne pepper (perhaps The_Gambler meant red pepper when he stated that cayenne pepper was in the mix) this is the only possible set based on answers 1 to 78, The_Gambler's comments, and my assumptions (a) and (b). To be honest, however, I'm not very comfortable considering salt and brown sugar as either herbs or spices.
all we can know for sure is that there is paprika as it says it on the box or bucket and theres probly salt and pepper as there main spices for any recipe
i know what 5 of the ingredients are as i tasted them when i worked at kfc it was powder in a bag there are salt pepper flour MSG and.... GARLIC
I know the main one is lard.
You should know that the Colonel stated that the eleven secret herbs and spices were in the gravy, they did not coat the chicken. He was on the record stating that when the company changed hands in the seventies that the new owners turned his gravy into slop.
the eleven herbs and spices were the ones contained in each envelope of Good Seasons Italian Dressing mix. Just empty one envelope of the powdered herbs and spices into a pound of White Lily flour, mix well, coat your chicken with it, fry, and enjoy the exact same KFC taste! The Colonel used to say his secret was his eleven herbs and spices, but he secretly laughed at his little joke, because the REAL secret of the 11 herbs and spices was that it went into the flour that he used to batter chicken pieces that were so badly blemished, local farmers sold them to the feed mill for a nickel a chicken. Mind you, nothing was wrong with the chickens, they just had blemished skin and you wouldnt have bought them in the store. But once the Colonel started offering ten cents per chicken, then coating them with his batter and cooking them, no one could tell the difference, and the Colonel could sell 3-pcs for $1.25 when he only paid ten cents for the whole chicken! THAT was the real secret of the 11 herbs and spices! KY Governor John Young and his pals quickly realized what a gold mine the old Colonel had come up with, and bought him out,including use of his name, for a pittance compared to what they made.
my grandad loved this shit, he got the recipe off his wife who used to sleep with one of the executives, he said the secret is eggs eggs and more eggs
I use... :P Marinade: 4 cups water 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 teaspoon msg Coating: 1 egg, beaten 1 cup milk 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 1/2 teaspoons salt 3/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 3/4 teaspoon msg 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning (finely dried Oregano + Basil + Thyme) 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon sage I think it just perfect :P Any suggestions, please ??!!
Better write this one down, folks. I know the Gambler says some of these are not in the original 'Original', but this recipe will blow his mind and all yours too. I'm sure he will agree if he tastes it: 2 tsp Black Tellicherry peppercorns (coarse ground) 1 tsp White pepper 1/2 tsp Sage 1/2 tsp Coriander seed (ground) 1/2 tsp Jamaican Ginger, ground (regular is ok, but the Colonel used Jamaican) 1/4 tsp Bay leaf (powdered. Do not substitute this) 1/4 tsp Summer Savory 1/4 tsp Cayenne or chili pepper 1/8 tsp Green Cardamom seeds (ground) 1/8 tsp Cloves (powdered) 1/8 tsp Nutmeg To 1 cup of cake or pastry flour, add the above, plus: 1 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp light brown sugar 1 tsp MSG (optional) Dip your chicken pieces the milk/egg wash below, then roll one by one in the seasoned flour: 1 cup skim milk (replace with 1/4 cup oil if baking) 1 egg If you are lucky enough to possess a pressure frier, heat oil to 375-400F, then drop temp to 250F once pressure starts and cook for 9 minutes. If deep-frying, fry for 12 minutes at 325F. Also brine chicken pieces in 2 cups water, 2 Tablespoons of spice mix and 2 Tablespoons white vinegar for 2 hours. If baking, replace milk with 1/4 cup oil. Let breaded pieces set up for about 15 minutes until the coating saturates. Bake in 375F oven for approximately 30 minutes per side. After frying, let chicken pieces stand in cool oven (170F) to drain. That should about cover it. =]
This video will give you the answer and check the website it promotes. the best research to date.
Wouldn't be a secret if everyone new about it. But it's actually 7 ingredients.
The recipe is out there if you know how to look for it. I don't have it, but I know where I can get it.
some of those seasonings are very specific and are only found in certain regions of the world. there's a big difference between paprika, pepper, salt and other ingredients grown in Morocco, India or some African nation. Besides it's a "secret" for a reason.
I managed a KFC for a while. The chicken is marinated. They mix 50 lbs flour with a bag of seasoning. Different bags for original and crispy, different sides of the breading table. Only the original chicken is pressure cooked. Its single breaded. The crispy is double breaded and cooked in an open fryer. We also don't know what's in the slaw sauce. Everything comes in bags.
If they told us, it wouldn't be a secret.
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