Beaming, I would love not to waste time traveling to work & back.
Warp Speed Space Travel... if we ever make it a reality I think it will be a fascinating time of scientific discovery.
If people could make a miniature version of the impulse drive, this would revolutionalize travel and benefit everyone.
Handheld communication device you can hold inside of one hand.......oh, wait.......ok, how about a handheld data storage device.........oh, ok............ummmmm.........Dammit, just gimme a phaser...........
Kirk sure looked debonair with that flip-phone.
"Beam me up Scotty" The Teleporter devices they use
definitely the Phaser
I would like the medical thingy they use...that cures you without having to have medication, or needles...and always makes the correct diagnosis.
The food thing. I want to be able to walk up to the wall and say "Feed me" and there it is. No mess no bother.
My own enterprise with a selection of female crew from different series
The teleporter for sure. All that gas and time we could save.
In the old series the tri-corder was the universl tool. check for life, atmospheric conditions, etc. In the Next generation having my own Holodeck where I could just have all kinds of fun being a pirate or whatever would be great for the rainy days!
The medical technology. "That man gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!" Star Trek IV
Mr. Spock. <3
It's got to be the holodeck. The ultimate computer game!!!!!
THe old school phaser would do wonders for law enforcement and security issues. You can sell just the stun version for security personnel, and keep the full blown one for military use.
Mudd's Women
I was going to say the replicater, however I read the other answers and thought of the wonderful things we could do in a holodeck!
the space ship thingy
Beam me up, Scotty.
The Comm Badge.
The computer that knows everything about everyone and everything.
I'm not so keen on being beamed anywhere so that one's out. I want the Starship of course with all thinks functional and a full supply of fuel with the on-ship technologies. Then I would search the galaxy for another inhabitable planet so that I can save everyone on this planet.
... a replicator ... and a full database of molecular scanned items that I could replicate at will.
When I fall over drunk outside a pub I'd like to be beamed straight into my nice warm bed.
Beam me up, Scotty,_Scotty
Whatever has 'Kirk' scorin' with all the aliens yo...
I'd love to have a replicator. And for those who turn their noses up at using waste as source material, that's exactly what nature does, only not so fast or efficiently.
Thats a tough one, but I would have to say the replicator... The transporter sounds good, but is it a time machine too? If so, then I change my answer...
Is the holodeck from star trek? then i want that.
Well...we have the communication device (cell phone), the automatic doors, the phaser (stun gun), the super computer, the food thingy (microwave)...I'd have to say that I would like the transporter...BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!
The ability to "warp around" in space at the drop of a hat.
The replicator. You'd be able to make any other smaller piece of tech too. As well as, the tech manuals to make the larger pieces!
I want those biobeds from the infirmary. Think of all the time and money they'd save, and they'd put the HMO's out of business!
I'd like a teleporter, a holideck, and a replicator.
Holo deck!!!
That's easy...the Hollodeck, hands down. Who wouldn't want to simulate any environment accurately for a lark?
Teleportation extended to go light years away to other inhabited worlds
Beam me out Scotty!
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