When my dog has an accident in the house.
fish left over fired fish smell
body odor or grandparent fecal smell...
BO and fresh dill
Anhydrous Ammonia
Yuck, throw up.
Multiple cat spray or dirty litter box, & body odor where someone hasn't bathed or cleaned themselves in a long while.(gag) Also spoiled chicken(yuk)
Axe. I am allergic to all perfumes, but that one affects me the most.
BO for sure!!! Definitely up there with the offensive factor. Dog poop is up there as well. Sewage plants too, I live in Jersey and they are everywhere b/c we have so many people... ughhhhh gross.
The one which comes from a sexy girl's body!
barf and the old people smell. oh and gasoline.
Cigar smoke!
Old grease coming out a vent from a restaurant!
bo is up there
smelly foot odor
bad breath
dog farts and wet dog
old pple, EWWWWWWWWW!!!
Vinegar, ungh i hate the stuff. my mom cleans her coffee pot with it. But i can't stand the taste of it either. tobasco/hotsauce, i can't stand, couldn't figure out why for many years, till i looked at the ingredients on the back lol. but i love spicey things. i can eat salsa just fine.
The juice that dribbles out of the garbage truck in front of me on a hot summer day.
... human corpse decomposition ...
BO The smell of Pineapple makes me nauseous. Drains Waste matter. I just hate nasty smells of any kind.
Skunk. Feet. Vomit. Feces. All bad. The one that's most common is people that smell like a cheese factory because they don't wipe their butt.
Vomit for sure. Feces is a close 2nd. Hospital smell is horrible as well.
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