Since there is no absolute proof of life after death, this becomes a matter of belief. I believe there is an afterlife. I believe ghosts are spirits who stay here when they die, either they don't know they are dead, or they feel there is unfinished business for them. I believe the spirits of our loved ones can make contact with us, through dreams, psychics or other more physical ways. I believe my mother has made contact with me through all of the above ways, as we discussed when she first got sick. IMO, angels are not the spirits of those who lived on earth, rather, they are God's helpers, and were created as angels.
I suspect there is no life after death - but I can't be sure. No-one I know who has died as popped back to let me know, and I've not died myself yet. I strongly suspect ghosts and angels are products of our extremely fertile imaginations - used to explain things we don't immediately understand and bring some comfort in the face of loss, grief and our own mortality.
Friar tuck said it well. Why do we need to believe in all these things? IT certainly seems to fill a need in a lot of people.
By definition "Death" means "no longer alive," so if it was posible for life to exist after death, then that would mean that death is not possible, wouldn't it? When we die, we're gone. End of story.
There is no absolute proof. Nobody knows so asking people what they think basically gives you nothing. Out of 100 people you'll get 100 varying answers. Its a ftee world. You can grab onto any belief that makes you comfortable and that brings you a sense of peace and believe it. What I believe has nothing to do with your comfort level, it has to do with mine. You are free to choose your own. Peace.
I believe life is there after death. I didn't choose this idea I just feel it. I believe in ghosts but not seen one. If everywhere I look at nature I believe there is a connection.
There is only life. When it exits the body its free to go anywhere, any way and take any form. The movie Coco says it well: If there are no more memories of the deceased ancestor, they cease to be in that form. In other words if i were a starfish, I would be seeing stars relevant to my 'Identified" life. Star ghosts, star angels etc. dependent on my imagination.
There is no sound reason to think there is any form of life after death. That is merely wishful thinking.
i'll find out when i die
There's no god reason to think any of the things you list are real. The only connection is that all are only fantasy.
i think theres life after death and i think theres angels around too
No, there ain't no life after death, ghosts or angels. There ain't nothing to be explained. They're just imaginary.
probably, i'll find out when i get there
There is life after death because my Bible says so and because Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
The Bible is merely crude primitive fiction. Jeus Christ never existed.
Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 explains that the dead know nothing at all, they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun. According to Revelation 12:9 demons are on earth misleading the ENTIRE inhabited earth. Ghosts are just demons pretending to be the “spirits” of dead people. Obedient and faithful angels are in heaven, giving glory to God and doing his will. Wicked angels were once faithful, but the chose to join satan in his rebellion against God, so they roam the earth attempting to influence as many people as possible.
I believe in a space-time-life continuum, our life-energies/forces merging with ourselves in parallel universes.
i'll find out when i die
So many ideas and opinions about this, oh and YouTube can suck you into a rabbit hole real fast. But as a Bible student, I would like to share some thoughts from it. First what is a ghost? A ghost is as the definitions from Oxford Languages explains is (ghost); noun, an apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image. So from this definition a ghost is someone who used to be alive but died and is now some kind of a spirt, yes? A lot of the responses has this view, but I would like to use the Bible's point of view. lets start off with Ecclesiastes 9:4,5&6 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion, For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. KJV. and Ecclesiastes 3:20 says All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. KJV Also if we compare these scriptures with what our Lord Jesus said at John 11:11-14 These things spake he: and after this he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus is fallen asleep; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.12The disciples therefore said unto him, Lord, if he is fallen asleep, he will recover.13Now Jesus had spoken of his death: but they thought that he spake of taking rest in sleep.14Then Jesus therefore said unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead". ASV Here Jesus is comparing death with a deep sleep. Also take a look at what happened to Adam and Eve at Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you go back into the soil, because you were taken out of it. For you are clay, and into clay you shall go back.” Byington. Did God tell these two that they would be ghost? or be tormented in a hellfire torment forever domed for their wrongs? No, only that they would return to dust, and isn't that what most people say when at a funeral? So from the Bible's scriptures we looked at; ghost aren't real. now Angels, Angels are real and were created by God, in the Bible both the Hebrew mal·ʼakhʹ and the Greek agʹge·los literally mean “messenger.” From the first book of the Bible to the last, these words occur nearly four hundred times. When spirit messengers are indicated, the words are translated “angels,” but if the reference is to human creatures, the rendering is “messengers.” (Gen. 16:7; 32:3; Jas. 2:25; Rev. 22:8; see MESSENGER.) Of course, the highly symbolic book of Revelation is an exception, where certain references to angels may indicate human creatures.—Rev. 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14. Angels are beings who have greater power and ability than humans. (2 Peter 2:11) They exist in heaven, or the spirit realm, which is a level of existence higher than the physical universe. (1 Kings 8:27; John 6:38) Thus, they are also referred to as spirits.—1 Kings 22:21; Psalm 18:10. I would like to leave two links that will dive deeper into both ghost and angles. for angles and, for ghost, I hope this helps
Life and death coexist. When someone is gone forever, those who are alive are on the journey to death. The only connection between ghosts and angels is that they are imaginary. You would have to be delusional to believe in them because there is no such thing as ghosts and angels. They are fictional and those who believe in the supernatural are unable to prove their point because it’s all in their head. When you say life after death, are you trying to ask do we come back to life after death? If so, the answer is no because we are not zombies and zombies belong in horror movies meaning they are fake.
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