$50 on sneakers and whatever I have to on a pair of dress shoes I really like.
Work shoes: 175-225 Play shoes: 100-125
usually around $60-$80
Depends on whether they are for me or my kids. For me - only about $40 - $50 (£20 to £25). For my kids - I dont seem to get anychamge from $60 (£30).
Around $80.00 I have been buying all my shoes from the Mason Catalog, or Good deals on the best brands, and they give you a credit line with low payments.
$0.00 Every single pair of shoes I own at the moment I either stole from my dad, or found lying in the middle of the road or in a field somewhere. I don't really place much importance on my shoes. And when the weather allows for it, I honestly prefer to go barefoot.
idk ask the guy i stole the shoes from how much he paid for em lol jk i usually pay bout 40- 60 bucks
$250 AU on Street shoes and about $150 AU on School Shoes
roughly 120 australian. i lurve shoes!!
play shoes around the house..anywheres from $1 to $40...for work about $200
Work Boots: $80.00 - Sneakers: $30.00 - Wal-mart Dress Shoes: $30.00 - Wal-mart
Hm I will take the 5th on that one :)
A good pair of Converse High Top sneakers costs about $80.00.
$120ish. If they're worth it more.
$20ish .... i don't like shoes much
like $50-$150 depends on the shoe and the brand. I'll pay much more for heels than sneakers.
No more than $70
$200-250 (or more if I really like them).
Nothing. My shoes are hand me downs from various family members. I think the most I have spent are on my prom shoes, which were about £30
Average, probably about $35. I've spent as little as $10 (quite the sale on those!) and as much as over $100 per pair.
cant remember, i havent bought any in a while
Sneakers: $60.00 to $80.00 dollars. High heel boots: $400.00 to over a grand.
I have costlier shoes than that by Gucci. -
$400.00 dollars is to start off on my luxurious footwear, while over a grand means over $1000.00 dollars. Here you go so you can understand proper English: grand grand/Submit adjective 1. informal a thousand dollars or pounds.
depends on where i bought them
$1500 in USA money for Gucci dress shoes.
Jenny The Great ⭐
$15.00 dollar hoochie shoes from Walmart. -
Since you are from Japan and have a hard time spelling English, I'm sure you meant you buy your shoes at Walmart.
cant remember, its been a while
Some of my most expensive pumps and boots are made from Christian Louboutin. They cost nearly $2000.00 dollars.
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