A Home Depot pitchfork and a pair of Prada hooves.
When you're covered in scales you don't need "attire".
He is naked, he likes to flaunt his junk...
If that is the case I would say God wears a robe because His ways are less constricting, and satan would wear spandex cause his ways are very constricting and nothing is private.
The devil wears red stuff, i guess. Not clothes, but.... something. What kind of question is this?
How do you know God wears a robe?
I have never seen God in His infinite completeness...only His head as represented by artists who give us their ideas of what God looks like. My guess is that the devil is enveloped in flames at all times..he is really "hot stuff" and all who get near him get burned. I will take your word for it that God wears a robe. Happy Saturday! :)
whatever his task requires...could even be a loved one , tempting you, as in Job's wife....justme:)
A 3-piece Armani Suit.
I cannot say what God wears because He is God and that would not be right. As for the Devil, the Bible says he comes dressed as an angel of light. If you saw the devil with horns,a red body and a tail, you would run. But the devil comes as that handsome man or that pretty woman. The devil is dressed as a friend that you want to embrace but be careful. Jesus has won over the devil and has the keys to the gates of hell. The Bible also says to resist the devil and he will flee
Given what he leads us into, I'd say nothing: bare neked.
I don't think there is any "attire" out there would be big enough to cover God. I think what you are thinking of is all the artists who did their best to depict an event from the Bible and who had to figure out some way to depict God in it. They did their best to solve that problem, and an old man in white robes is often what they came up with as a symbol for God. That is just artistic license, and possibly part of the reason for the warning against graven images: any time you try to depict God you are going to diminish Him, there is no canvas or paint or marble or plaster or bronze that can capture the enormity of God. As for the devil, given what he leads us into, my guess would be that he has no attire. He's probably naked.
Devil in a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with a blue dress on....
Satan will wear chains at the close of the tribulation period and after the battle of Armageddon is finished.
I've heard he wears spangly spandex like Richard Simmons!
Jenny The Great ⭐
...and he also talks like him. lol
Usually shown naked holding a pitching fork.
Probably lots of studded leather or denim, and a loaded six string on his back.
The devil if he was a man would have the appearance of a very good looking young man well endowed he only wears clothes when he has to. He's most comfortable without clothes he likes to flaunt his body and show off. He gets the biggest thrill from getting a man or a woman that claims to be from God all hot and excited.
Whatever he wants to wear I'd guess
"God wears a robe" - Not many people know that. "what is the Devil attire" I dunno...What are the politicians wearing these days?
Who knows he was an angel at first so he probably had the same clothes as the angels do maybe a robe
Nothing but his pitchfork, he's ready for action all the time.
The Bible describes Satan as an arrogant, conceited and lustful being. His attire is certainly not of a robe, far less sack clothes. The attire by the devil's nature is most likely an Al Pacino, Devil's Advocate (1997) persona, as well as an attractive woman in high heel shoes, in particular, The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
It's fantersy what ever you want. In reality there is no devil. Believing in things that do not exist is why people will allways be divided. Stupid people believe in things that do not exist. The sweet voice of the liar means nothing it tells no trueth it teaches nothing. Lairs love BS,
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